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3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - Printable Version

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3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - Eagle1 - 03-11-2015

ARGGGHHHHH! I can't stand how my hosting service keep changing things. Now I'm getting a 403 error when I try to input pictures. So, I'm publishing the text while I try and figure out what happened to my image upload .

You’ll most likely never see this story anywhere else on the web. You say there’s no economic battles going on while the world economic Titanic is sinking? Think again. The biggest thing that popped out to me when reading this list for the first time is Sydney (I’m not suggesting that this is the only poignant attribute about the run….just what I personally saw).

I searched for Sydney to see what was up….to look for day residue. I did NOT find this article during that search, but it could one of the more important articles about Sydney:

How I found this article was during my search for ‘medical symbol.’ I was writing up my description of Group 4 at the bottom and wanted to know what that Snake Symbol was called in medicine. My question was answered on the top hit, but as I read the next few hits, it was hit #7 that strangely talked about SYNDEY, AUSTRALIA. So what we need to realize (or rather what Australians need to realize), is that our ‘medical democracy’ (a term found in previous bot runs) will be funneled to Australia for more atrocious healthcare. The other reason this is vitally important is because it demonstrates that separate linguistics grouping can and do overlap to make a definite meme/story.

In this case, we have RACE SYDNEY from Group 2 combined with Group 4, and now we know why SNAKE SYMBOL GLAD about BARRY’s decisions.

….and now, here is what I originally wrote before this revelation came about Sydney based on my strange “medical symbol” search.

------Original Summary----------

I don’t expect people to recognize this, but we are still in a lull.  The scores drop off drastically after about surge score of 30.

Personally, I’m disappointed with today’s output. The best I have from the top half of the run is Group 2, where some Lost Secret is announced when the Festival Fades (closes?) This sounds more like a movie storyline.

Group 4 at the very bottom of the list might be important. The SYMBOL SNAKE is obviously the medical establishment’s Rod of Asciepius, and they are GLAD that we’re READing DREAMS about BARRY (Obamacare implied here?)

This run might be better when we look for much shorter phrases, although the level of detail obviously decreases. For example, STAIRWAY LASER might imply a space-born laser system (I was taking stairway to imply “UP”). SAVE PINK, RAVEN WOMEN, ANIMALS COMPANY HELPING, GAS PENGUIN, LOST SECRET OPENING, and perhaps my favorite:

DISTURBING WOW POPULAR TEETH (archeologists find a new species of animal by way of a new animal tooth OR a celebrity has a disturbing dental procedure that becomes popular.)

There are probably more

[Image: 20150311%20Sydney%20and%20Barry.jpg]

UP Words:     stairway laser non swim ignore submitted loading save pink semi hide members professor months race sydney lucid paint wolf gas penguin chased listening snap station kyle ever narrow fades festival lost secret opening

DOWN Words:   media death 2014 ride family now hurt anonymous common raven women boat better boyfriend animals company helping topic latest disturbing wow popular teeth symbol snake glad barry dreams read

RE: 3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - Nanny - 03-11-2015

Group 4 is a trip!

Group 2, Renaissance Festival came to mind. Guess it's random brain action. interesting group..

How are we to know if Syndey is Australia, or a personal name? Kyle...gotta add it to the Names' List.

Snake...forgot to mention that I dreamed of them, again. This time of 2, weeks ago it was 3 in one dream. Glad I'm not the only seeing them.

Read the word wizard! Wink

RE: 3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - twiceblessed9 - 03-11-2015

(Penguin gas) is interesting. We had "penguin violence experiment" a few days ago. There is a Penguin Petroleum Company which seems to supply parts for the oil industry. I think they may be from India but export around the world.
There is also a tiny population of endangered Penguins at North Sydney Harbor in Au. (Sydney) is on the list.

There is also a recent connection to Wolf and gas.

RE: 3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - ThePaladin - 03-12-2015

Quote:DISTURBING WOW POPULAR TEETH (archeologists find a new species of animal by way of a new animal tooth

Quote:A stunning archeological discovery in Britain has experts rethinking humanity’s estimated time of arrival in prehistoric Europe.

A piece of jawbone with three teeth, excavated nearly 85 years ago from a cave in southwest England, has been painstakingly dated by a team of international researchers — including a Canadian scientist — to between 41,000 and 44,000 years ago, setting the clock back by hundreds or even thousands of years on the migration of early humans to Europe.

Not so much a new species but this will require a rethinking of current thinking on human timelines. Wow, indeed.

And every time I see the word "staircase", I start humming Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven". Big Grin

RE: 3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - MisfitObserver - 03-12-2015
Here's a news story that came out yesterday.
SYDNEY Leathers gave us the LATEST DISTURBING WOW w/ a state rep from Indiana(Moed) much like the POPULAR Anthony Weiner. Moed was engaged(BOYFRIEND) and has NOW HURT FAMILY LOST SECRET HIDE ANONYMOUS identity with the RAVEN WOMAN(Leathers) whom he SNAPped a pic of his butt and CHASED on twitter. Here's the funny part, she only discovered his identity when he bought her a PINK leash and collar on amazon with his real name on the receipt.

RE: 3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - Eagle1 - 03-12-2015


You've got a serious award for finding this one. I am looking at the bot run going, "Yep, this is it!"

Here's some more fodder that you missed:

1. PINK SEMI HIDE MEMBERS ('semi' obviously indicates penis, and 'members' suggest other pink body parts)
2. RACE SYDNEY....this is obvious to me now....Sydney was RACEY, not a city. In other words, RACE in this case was a slurred adjective!
3. And how about all those administrative words that we never covered? What was SUBMITTED, LOADING, and SAVE doing there? It's obvious....sexting back and forth (the 3 admin words all have computer connotation but they also have a sexual overtone as well....for example, SUBMITTED means they pressed send on the text, but it also correlates to the pink collar and leash! )

BIG big hit, Misfit! Great job.

RE: 3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - ThePaladin - 03-13-2015

*shakes head*

I'll just be over here, doing the "I'm not worthy" bowing...

Seriously, I'm awed by the abilities y'all have to find the stories that fit the linguistics. I'm tickled if I can get a few words to match.

RE: 3/11/15 Look out Sydney! Asciepius is coming your way... - MisfitObserver - 03-13-2015

(03-12-2015, 08:44 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: MisFit,

You've got a serious award for finding this one. I am looking at the bot run going, "Yep, this is it!"

Here's some more fodder that you missed:

1. PINK SEMI HIDE MEMBERS ('semi' obviously indicates penis, and 'members' suggest other pink body parts)
2. RACE SYDNEY....this is obvious to me now....Sydney was RACEY, not a city. In other words, RACE in this case was a slurred adjective!
3. And how about all those administrative words that we never covered? What was SUBMITTED, LOADING, and SAVE doing there? It's obvious....sexting back and forth (the 3 admin words all have computer connotation but they also have a sexual overtone as well....for example, SUBMITTED means they pressed send on the text, but it also correlates to the pink collar and leash! )

BIG big hit, Misfit! Great job.

Thanks for acknowledging and expanding on what I found regarding SYDNEY. I may have been afraid to be too RACY in my description of the words that apply to the news story. This work is very subjective but also very specific at times. Kudos to you for all that you found that I missed. Go Team!
MisFit Observer