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Prediction [Test] Kidnapping Ring Uncovered
Dream: [Still] Intent: 6412; Posted 5/25/2015 by DLP as part of CIP Project:

I dreamed about Tokyo, Shang-Hai, Beijing all night. Then I dreamed something about 4 perfectly round pancakes on a red plate. Then I saw a large building in a secluded area. There were 4 red suburbans and passengers vans with black windows parked in front of the building. There was a pond of perfectly still black water in front of the building. It felt haunted. Eerie. Like bad things are done to people in there. I just had this feeling that the vans were for kidnapping people.

June 2, 2015 Bot - Waning: truck (4 red suburbans and passenger vans) orange (orange is the colour of sunset and the colour of money. It could also be red, depending on how the light hits it - orangy red.) death fat wonder blood (white blobs of fat in a pool/dish of blood) shot peace (shot to pieces? or shot brought peace) sometimes [with a] shotgun wont (of a person) in the habit of doing something; accustomed) bridge wed (wed in my book means weds with/joins  something else) bathroom position toilet, definitely sad, okay

Also, kidnapping people for money could be called liquid black pool/black water.

So, I'm thinking a headline within the next three days to three weeks, but three weeks feels like a long stretch, where law enforcement discovers a kidnapping ring along with bodies on an acreage near a city/town in the US that has a Japanese sounding name. 6412 could be an address, 64 - 12 gauge shotguns or a plate or case number.

Messages In This Thread
[Test] Kidnapping Ring Uncovered - by Sherriann - 06-02-2015, 05:17 PM
RE: [Test] Kidnapping Ring Uncovered - by still - 06-02-2015, 06:37 PM
RE: [Test] Kidnapping Ring Uncovered - by Eagle1 - 06-02-2015, 06:46 PM
RE: [Test] Kidnapping Ring Uncovered - by Eagle1 - 06-17-2015, 12:31 PM

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