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12/03/14 Red Alert (?!) Agent is back and traveling the world!
How's this for irony: I actually had this whole run and analysis complete about 5 hours ago (much earlier than usual), but somehow found myself BLOCKED from the whole website when I tried to submit it. I'm now back up. Here's the original message):

I might be way off base here taking a big risk on Agent. The truth is, I’m totally confused about this word. Red Alerts dream words must have a big surging chart.


Well, it certainly has the chart, but does it have the linguistics support? When I think of agent, I think of sneaky people, possibly with guns or perhaps cameras, so I considered “Shot hills” and “Global traveling” and “Enjoy fight” to all be support for the word (albeit perhaps iffy or questionable support). My analysis says that if this is indeed a real Red Alert, then we’re looking at a possibly VERY distant headline, but also a VERY big one, too. Here’s my thinking…. Looking again at Agent’s chart for last month, we’re looking at several really significant peaks, and to our credit, we have been watching agent pretty closely. Granted, this word could simply just be one of those words that is crazy, schizophrenic, chaotic, just randomly swinging up and down at the toss of a hat. However, it could also be the double top I pointed out in many articles (most recently, the Double Top Butterfly Costume by Heidi Klum and then today’s blog of the Stolen Brains from Texas U.)

If it is that double top, then we are looking at one heck of a special event because traditionally, the double top comes after a big surge and the double top peaks are relatively low. Instead, we’re looking at double tops on Agent that are spread apart by weeks, and the peaks are much higher than what would be expected. Therefore, I’m thinking the peak levels signify a humungous story and the double top spacing signifies the timing would be much greater than the typical immediate look of a smaller, tighter double top (at least if our limited historical data can be generalized).

As for the rest of the run, there are quite a few gems here for the taking. The run itself has a very travel feel to it. We have Ship, Dry (containers?), Global Traveling, and in the loser section, check out Riding and perhaps some other words. Agent is somewhat connected to the travel theme, as they might be known to move around the world very quickly. Farmer, Rent, and Rat are the bottom dwellers with absolutely no hits after some decent surges. Finally, check out the religious/spiritual section in red circles. Seems awfully weird to have all those words packed together at once, especially with the word “Revenge” in the middle of them! Religious Revenge? Seems like a perfect oxymoron.

So, standby for Agent, but I wouldn’t be betting on the typical 2 days time. If I had to guess, I’d say more like 2-4 weeks based on the chart. Either way, no piddly headlines for this one. If this comes true, it’ll be huge (maybe the next Snowden??) Conversely, what if the travel theme is connected in a more direct way? Travel Agent? Can a travel agent make us a huge headline? I doubt it.


agent visual ship gotta spell besides dry press shot hills shirt treatment wanting upon global travelling enjoy flight slept robot

works experiment riding reading request multiple days awareness reception resurrection revenge religion rescue raven farmer rent rat

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12/03/14 Red Alert (?!) Agent is back and traveling the world! - by Eagle1 - 12-03-2014, 11:48 AM

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