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P1_05 Sherriann_DF: October '14 Headlines CLOSED
This batch of headlines comes from dreams submitted to the NDC DeamBase during the period of September 26 - September 30, 2014. They include both October headline intended and non-intended, P1 and outside dreamers.

P1_05A  A political decision, newly passed law or comment creates a political divide among the citizens that results in an armed confrontation. Possible location: Mexican Border or Nevada. Timing: October (No Intention) (rebeccaS) (blueDREAM) (sherriann)

P1_05B Russian Military Drill Appears to Simulate a US Invasion. Possibly jet fly byes near the US that breach International air space and/or ships in International waters. Timing: October (No Intention) (MTB) (No Intention) (LiquidSpoon) (suzanne)

P1_05C A meteor strikes in broad daylight in the State of Arizona on or about mid-October causing an earthquake. (No Intention) (MTB) (No Intention) (JK)

P1_05D A blue meteor/asteroid the size of a small tractor is seen from Florida to Texas as it crosses the sky on or about October 23. (Finite Statist Machine) (sherriann)
This is pulling a rabbit from a hat, but I got the words Walburn County. Well, there is no Walburn County but there are towns/cities called Walborn in Florida, Alabama and Texas. So, I'm going with that. Maybe I'll get location lucky.
There is a partial Lunar Eclipse on October 23.

P1_05E A stage collapses at a big school event and the entire audience is held while police investigate by questioning people in the school. Some of the audience manages to slip away. Timing: October (blueDREAM)
There were actually three dreams with people slipping or sliding away.

P1_05F A captain under the influence causes a Fiesta cruise ship to sway perilously somewhere near Florida causing the ship to become swamped with waves. This cancels out an 'underground' rock band's headline performance. Timing: October (blueDREAM)

So, we'll see how this goes. If you see any news headlines that relate or can contribute information that would further affirm a proposed headline, please post it to this thread using the headline # as an identifier.

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P1_05 Sherriann_DF: October '14 Headlines CLOSED - by Sherriann - 10-02-2014, 02:44 PM

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