National Dream Center
9/6/18 More Massive Long Waves! - Printable Version

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9/6/18 More Massive Long Waves! - Eagle1 - 09-06-2018

How to CIRF Today’s Influences: After a couple of days of break, the DreamBot is now offering more “Long Massive Waves.” Perhaps we are simply entering a generally yang astrological period, seeing that Mars, Mercury, and now Saturn are direct from a sluggish retrograde period all summer. We still hold open the possibility of new galactic energies with the amount of dreamers picking up on WAVES, MASSIVE, SUN, AWAKE, etc. These are the same memes from a couple of days ago (9/3 and 9/4). The other clear theme in today’s collective unconscious is Saturn going direct. This influence will quietly encourage you to build something that will affect/influence people around you, such as a work-related project or new plans for familial support. It’s about creating stability. This influence will be present longer than just today as we wait for Saturn to accelerate back to its typical forward speed (relative to Earth). Numerology supports with 6 being all about caring and harmony in your close network of family and friends. 6 cares about traditions, customs, norms, and structures. Finally, as the moon enters Leo, we get an extra yang boost to help harmonize the Saturn structure-building. Take this energy and create more of the life you want to see in the world, but give it a flavor of network building. In other words, create so that others benefit. 

Daily CIRF Reports:

Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation):  waves 2018 aug fri exercise patio last wed mirror massive sun dream search cabinet suggestion strip forum explore picture awake horse take impression rather sat dress blanket boss fades long 

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Background: Regardless of whether you can feel it or not, we are all being influenced by the Collective Unconscious. So many philosophers and social psychologists throughout the ages have studied and written about this phenomenon. Not only does a collective emotion/mind/influence exist, it secretly and subtly influences our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This is not to say that all your experiences are determined outright by the Collective Unconscious. But if you gain more awareness of this influence, you will have more control over your own life and destiny. Read more:

How to read DreamBot runs: