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07-12-2015, 01:30 PM
I wanted to know if we could start a project where our focus will be on trying to compile as many dreams and as much info relevant to predicting the results of the next presidential election.
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Excellent idea. I remember back just before Barry re-claimed his position of talking head and the word from the Bilderberg was that the next president of the US would be the last. So I would be curious if there will even be an election.
How many people would be interested in supporting this meme with active incubations? We'll begin after we receive sufficient support, but those who are impatient can go ahead and incubate now, if desired. Thanks for the idea!
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Great idea! I'll try my best...
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I've tried incubating this issue several times and I get the same result each time: Nothing. I'm not talking about getting random dreams that don't relate, I'm talking about getting Nothing. The Nothing varies from blackness to white static, as if the station is off the air.
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08-07-2015, 12:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-24-2015, 08:46 AM by Cassandra.)
I am getting the same thing, silence. Not even a yes or no when I ask If I can at least have a little clue.
(08-07-2015, 12:27 PM)DLP Wrote: I've tried incubating this issue several times and I get the same result each time: Nothing. I'm not talking about getting random dreams that don't relate, I'm talking about getting Nothing. The Nothing varies from blackness to white static, as if the station is off the air.
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This is a useful thread. Across the Internet, there is much about the 2016 elections being postponed (initially ... to spring 2017), but really, being cancelled entirely, due to the implementation of martial law and other controls. BO has already joked at a prior WH correspondents dinner about having a third term, and it is telling that the Obamas do not have a private residence anywhere in the country (they sold their Chicago residence a few years ago). They rent vacation homes, but there is no Western White House, Eastern White House; the gossip inside Washington is that they even hate going to Camp David. BO is most comfortable in the White House itself, which has an underground bunker to survive any attack. But that is all tangential to this thread.
The fact that these two dreamers have already gotten "nothing" is very revealing. For all the talk of the Clintons returning, I don't believe the elite really want to deal with either of them again. Lindsey Williams has documented how the elite are rather simple and moral people; Bill's peccadillos probably have rubbed them the wrong way over the years. BO is much easier to control, more of a pure Manchurian candidate. That is why, they have no intention for him to leave. And Trump? He already lost his fortunes once; the elite can easily do that to him again, effectively neutralizing him whenever necessary.
C. Alan Martin's 1970s vision of the houses also predicted BO as being our last President, leading to the downfall of this country.
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If we have a dream for this topic, where should it be posted? In this thread?
(07-12-2015, 01:30 PM)d4n33 Wrote: Hello.
I wanted to know if we could start a project where our focus will be on trying to compile as many dreams and as much info relevant to predicting the results of the next presidential election.
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I wasn't going to record this yet am compelled to reply to this thread-
I had a vivid dream last night (slept 10 hours) after intention to incubate mid October-
In surgery yet with no equipment to do the procedure.
I challenged the surgeon to stop before anyone got hurt. He shrugged and proceeded regardless.
Next thing I know I am wandering the streets looking at 'former' repeat not old but FORMER
brick buildings that were familiar like federal buildings, schools, educational institutions, wondering where they went.
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Kelly, it would be great to do 2 things. Post the dream in the Public dream section so it gets recorded and post it here since there is a thread about the topic here and we can find it for a quick reference. If anyone has a different thought, share it please.
(10-03-2015, 03:24 PM)Kelley Wrote: If we have a dream for this topic, where should it be posted? In this thread?
(07-12-2015, 01:30 PM)d4n33 Wrote: Hello.
I wanted to know if we could start a project where our focus will be on trying to compile as many dreams and as much info relevant to predicting the results of the next presidential election.
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Last night I asked for a dream about the election results for 2016, but I had the following dream:
I was dropped off on a tropical island where there was a contest going on. People were running through the jungle competing for food, water, and shelter. And that was the whole contest- somehow finding those 3 things in the jungle.
I couldn't help wondering if this was an allusion to Marco Rubio whose family comes from Cuba.
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(08-07-2015, 12:27 PM)DLP Wrote: I've tried incubating this issue several times and I get the same result each time: Nothing. I'm not talking about getting random dreams that don't relate, I'm talking about getting Nothing. The Nothing varies from blackness to white static, as if the station is off the air.
This is exactly what I 'm getting too, a big fat Nothingness. I dislike getting that result as it makes me feel blind!
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26 Feb 2015
Before meditating, I asked if there were any updates regarding the next president and the situation around election day in November.
When I was in the meditative state, a huge TV screen appeared. It was showing scenes of rioting in various areas of the US. National Guard troops were on the ground. Some places looked like battle zones. I wondered what that had to do with anything and the scene jumped to a breaking news segment and the announcement that Donald Trump had won the election. But there was some question about the Democratic side of things, both Bernie and Hillary were going to court to hash out who really won the nomination. I said it seemed odd that they were fighting over who had the nomination when Trump won the election. Scene shifted again to a group of talking heads discussing the fact our country was now in a Constitutional crisis due to the Republican Congressional leadership in both the Senate and the House were refusing to accept the results of the election and were attempting to declare the election void and start the process to install their own choices. The talking heads were speculating on the reasons why they were doing such a thing. Other talking heads were saying the R leadership got their marching orders to not let Trump take office. So where is Obama in all this? I asked. Scene shifted to Obama and his crew in a war room, keeping tabs on the political situation and the riots. Someone says, This is a disaster. No matter what you do, you're going to come out of this looking bad. Obama nods, sighs, and says, I'll do what I have to do to try and stop the country from falling apart even more than it has, even if I go down in history as worse than Hitler. Next scene shows more breaking news and a speech snippet from Obama declaring martial law and the results of the election in abeyance. Uh-oh, I said, That's not going to go over well. A voice said, Understand this, child. This is the probable outcome of the current timeline. It is not set in stone at this point. The situation is still in chaotic flux. So we can change this? I asked. Yes, said the voice, if your people are willing to cast aside the current separation and animosity, if your people are willing to come together and stand together to find another way that does not involve separation of the people and of the planet. Lovely, I said, We're screwed. The voice said, We fear so, child. Humans have proved themselves, again and again, incapable of putting the best interests of the planet ahead of their own and to seek the long term vision ahead of the short. I asked, So how does all this play out, if this probable future timeline comes to pass? Be prepared, child, said the voice, You will be required.
After that, darkness.
As the voice said, this is the most probable outcome based on what's occurring now. It doesn't mean it's what WILL happen. Timelines are fluid and futures can be changed. The question is if we have the will and the courage to do what's necessary to change them, the will and the courage to let go of thousands of years of programming to shift the paradigm so thoroughly. It's a tall and nearly daunting task but I firmly believe nothing is impossible. Nothing.
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Well now, that is some vision. I guess everyone singing KUMBAYA is out of the question...
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02-26-2016, 05:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2016, 05:03 PM by ThePaladin.)
Not unless Kumbayah has magical properties that cause people's eyes and hearts to open.
But I believe nothing is impossible if we truly want to create a different reality. We can dream a new world into being.
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I'm off to talk to land guardians and get their take on things.
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Very cool, DLP that you got suggestion that there will actually *be an election! You're the first one in awhile that's gotten this, and I've heard from folks from different walks of life.
So, if the evil "they" continue to fail in efforts of a false-flag EMP to kick us all off-grid, or any other national emergency, sure. This resonates loudly. It will be a mess that hitler himself can jump into and do exactly what a tyrant would do "all for our own good."
Yes, we're screwed with or without an election, minus The Good Side of the Force intervening. I sure do know with massive attitude/heart changes that things can truly be okay.
No, the realistic-me won't be holding my breath, yet will keep the faith.
Thanks for reporting.
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Time has come: I think we have to try this to have an effect on our future...
We are the creators of what happens on earth...
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(02-27-2016, 05:59 AM)Jenafor Wrote: Time has come: I think we have to try this to have an effect on our future...
We are the creators of what happens on earth...
Many indigenous people believe we dream our world into being. Instead of dreaming a nightmare into being, we can dream a world of balance into being. This could well be a start.
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(02-26-2016, 08:30 PM)Nanny Wrote: Very cool, DLP that you got suggestion that there will actually *be an election! You're the first one in awhile that's gotten this, and I've heard from folks from different walks of life.
So, if the evil "they" continue to fail in efforts of a false-flag EMP to kick us all off-grid, or any other national emergency, sure. This resonates loudly. It will be a mess that hitler himself can jump into and do exactly what a tyrant would do "all for our own good."
Yes, we're screwed with or without an election, minus The Good Side of the Force intervening. I sure do know with massive attitude/heart changes that things can truly be okay.
No, the realistic-me won't be holding my breath, yet will keep the faith.
Thanks for reporting.
The future is fluid. It may happen. It may not. All it takes to shift the timelines is small actions or choices.
And I will repeat:
Quote:Yes, said the voice, if your people are willing to cast aside the current separation and animosity, if your people are willing to come together and stand together to find another way that does not involve separation of the people and of the planet.
As long as humans persist in the imbalanced thinking of opposition or antagonism-"versus"-instead of oneness thinking-"and"-there will be no change in the timeline and our future is set in stone. Understand that this refers to more than just what will happen to this country and the stakes are higher than most can possibly imagine.
How's that need to see the world and other people from the lenses of separation working out for humanity? Yet we keep doing it, generation after generation after generation since humanity first showed up on this world...What's that old joke about the definition of insanity again?
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02-28-2016, 12:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2016, 12:59 AM by Nanny.)
DLP said,
"As long as humans persist in the imbalanced thinking of opposition or antagonism-"versus"-instead of oneness thinking-"and"-there will be no change in the timeline and our future is set in stone. Understand that this refers to more than just what will happen to this country and the stakes are higher than most can possibly imagine.
How's that need to see the world and other people from the lenses of separation working out for humanity? Yet we keep doing it, generation after generation after generation since humanity first showed up on this world...What's that old joke about the definition of insanity again?"
But, this is not a matter of just "..we keep doing it." This isn't a schoolyard issue where we can just agree to get along. We are not a people of one mind because we are not a people of one Spirit. We are not all on just one side of The Force! It is not so, and so we are not guilty for "doing it."
As truly as oil and water do not mix, there is pure evil in this world, and there are true souls of Light and all that's good. There are souls bearing very bad fruit, and souls bearing much good fruit, blessing those around them.
Until and unless souls change from the heart, even deeper from the very spirit of being, no amount of "thinking" differently can accomplish a thing.
Unity is impossible for those of opposites. It can't happen and it should not happen. It will never happen.
The dark side tempts and even yanks at many of us at various times in our lives. We ain't goin there, period. Problem is, many from the dark side won't cross over either.