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The horse drawn taxi-car
I only remember a remarkable scene in this one out of a long dream sequence taking place in another time or alternate timeline.

I found myself climbing into a taxi. This was a tall vehicle, shaped like an old VW van, sort of pill shaped, just as wide, but taller. Instead of wheels in front, there were two horses. But they were completely under the body of the taxi. You could just see their large black feet while approaching and getting in. I knew it was horses under there and just saw the feet and climbed in. The driver sat in the cab in front and directly above the horses.

The driver was older with wiry grey hair and a little conductor's cap. He sat in the middle and worked some pedals and a giant steering wheel that was about 2 feet across and almost totally horizontal. I sat on a black leather bench seat behind this person which was against the back wall, with about 4 feet of floor between us. We hardly talked. Just the usual "have a seat we'll be there in a while" but not much more.

The interior was completely clean, nicely painted in white with red details and some polished wood. I remember this part with unusual clarity. I was bored and looking at all the workmanship of the carriage, which was impeccable. The taxi moved slowly and steadily around dark narrow rainy streets, very much like what you see in old movies about London. It was late and we were the only ones out. I was very impressed with the smoothness of the ride.

We arrived without any deviations, just a nice 20 minute ride though dark wet cityscapes. I paid the fellow and climbed down with a bag and made my way towards a large wall and gate with a house behind.

Observations: This was unusual in that there was not the usual chaos of a dream. This was a linear, clear, and detailed trip in a strange vehicle. There were modern lights and manufactured goods, such as the tires and body of the cab. Otherwise, it was very much like the 1890's never ended, and everything besides widespread combustion engines just continued in that trajectory. To me this was very much a parallel time line/universe with Earth and humans, only a completely different history had played out.

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