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3 Deaths: Escambia County Jail Explosion and Flooding
I woke up this morning and saw the news and believed right away that it was the manifestation of a dream I already submitted to this site. I went to the article and I couldn't believe how the headlines on the left side of the page all seemed to be predicted in my dream to some degree. I attached a screenshot of the headlines and I copied my dream below and bolded the words that I think pointed to the Escambia County, Florida flood and Fiery Prison Explosion that, unfortunately, resulted in 3 deaths. My notes are in red)

I am on a date with Troy. He looks at another girl and gets her number on his shirt (Inmates) while waiting for me. I come out with Green Christmas sweater on covered with clothes from head to toe-not sexy at all. I see what he is doing and I start to cry. So my family gets me all dressed up and ready for date. I am wearing a black bra and black panties with my hair up when they come in and ask me if I'm ready. Airplane. Restaurant with family. My kids are hanging from the rafters and are putting mayonnaise on their feet . I am writing and amount on a carbon (Carbon Monoxide from fire) copy check. Cooking over an open and viewable fireplace (again, Fire). They get Cheyenne pepper on the grill. I smell it and it burns. Too spicy for me. Girls are still hanging like monkeys and putting more mayonnaise on their feet (the word feet appeared 2 times in my dream--reference to the 2 feet of water Pensacola, Florida received in 26 hours). The girls and I are in a firehouse. The firemen are all lined up and at attention (Firemen are being called out to assist in the Flood). The girl is told not to talk but talks anyway (Only casualty of flood is a Woman who dies while driving her car in flooded waters even though all residents were already told not to drive through flooded roads) and she gets yelled at. I am looking through the plastic food kids play food and find a real hamburger that is really old and partly eaten. The girl that got yelled at leads us into a back room where the bunk beds are. My children all decide that they want to sleep on the top bunk so I am taking the metal bunk beds and sliding the top poles together to make one big (Prison Bars in big prison) top bunk bed for 4 to sleep in. The same girl that was in the firehouse wearing the firefighter uniform comes up and offers to watch the girls for me now that they are all in the same room but I declined because they were easy to watch now that they were completely confined (inmates are confined in a prison). I am in the post office waiting in line (Couple sends email message to facebook ((modern-day form of mail)) asking for help and waited like all the other residents until it was there time to be rescued). I am waiting for such a long time. A man walks in wearing an old New York Yankees jacket with the patches all fuzzy. They offer up Fedora hats for everyone to buy and everyone starts grabbing up and buying these Indiana Jones type hats. They are advertising them and say when you are at ???? this hat is perfect. While everyone is wearing Fedora hats, I ask the question, "

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