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Project August 2014
June 5/6, 2014

From what I can remember, which isn't much, my three dreams were coaching me to get my house in order; full pantry, paid bills and yes, Mr. Clean, helping me with a detailed cleaning of my kitchen. Very domestic.

Next, I find myself in a stand-up bar having a drink with two of my sisters and telling them about SHADOW, a fairly new program I discovered yesterday, that will, when fully developed and released, collect and analyse dreams in a unique way, and from what I can tell, for a unique purpose. The younger sister was nodding her head, whole heartedly agreeing with my words...and then we were disrupted by another family member entering the scene. It's always frustrating when good conversations are interrupted.

After the dream, I went to find a potential release date, which turns out to be July, and noted that release dates are often moved forward or maybe the release won't take off until August.

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