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Another Soulspace: Coastal Spa Soaking Pool
This is one of those dreams I have where a gathering of people at a specific location is the main theme of my dream. I usually go to these places a few times. Previously it was a white space, or a casino, or a large cement civic center with a stadium/auditorium.
One I haven't mentioned was a trip I kept making to a ski resort high on a Matterhorn looking snow-capped mountain, on the West coast. Snow, vistas, winding mountain roads, and ocean views. I feel like these places are some kind of meeting places for Souls. This is like break time from our world, where our souls take a break, or go to a seminar.
This one I've visited twice in the last week. It is a warm sandy coastal resort with a light house on a cliff. Last night I was just bored and passing time until I was allowed to leave. I wandered down to the "soaking pool", a shallow warm pool crafted to look like sculpted sandstone all around. Young people, beautiful and vibrant, all lounging around in the water talking with each other. Some had bright neon green "paint" on their bodies that was waterproof. Hand sized blobs of color on their chests over their pec muscles, like it was smeared on, and a few dabs other places.
These folks were from all over, Asians, whites, blacks, etc. and they all spoke the same language and talked as professionals would talk, not knowing each other personally, but sharing a tight bond as members of a specialized profession would. They could relate, and they were. I cannot remember the conversations, but they all took turns sharing and talking about their experiences.
At one point I found the portal. The base of the lighthouse had a large crack in it, just big enough to squeeze through, which led to a very small, modern elevator, no bigger than a coat closet. I felt very claustrophobic climbing though the stone to get to the elevator. I've seen elevators like this for a long time in my dreams, in buildings mostly- very cramped elevators that make me nervous, which take me to various "floors" i.e. up and out of the current dream sequence location. I never considered them, however, on par with the basement portals I have traveled. This one was a very definite portal.

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