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Mexican for a night and the Flood in TJ
I had this dream around or about 1/20/2011.

For some reason I left San Diego through the usual gateway at San Ysidro. No problem there as its quite easy to get into TJ.

Suddenly it was dark and I felt the need to reenter the USA the hard way. I was hiking the hills outside of TJ, and I could see ICE agents with lights and night vision cameras watching me and quite a few Mexicans. They were laughing at us. I found that very strange, as I understood English.

As I was looking for the best way to get back into the USA observed, there was a way I tried to go, until I came upon a massive flash flood that was sweeping into TJ from the North - I assume from Chula Vista.

I am not sure where this would be on a map, as it was my understanding most of TJs floods washed into San Diego because of the way the terrain sits. TJs untreated sewage is always contaminating Imperial Beach because of TJ river flowing North.

There was a pretty good size highway with a large concrete bridge that was washed out. ICE agents and police where keeping people away from the bridge. Somehow I did find another route north, and this was one of those dreams that seemed to go on all night long. I made some good friends in the dream with the Mexicans who only wanted work. I felt a strange kinship to them during this dream.

The next day I took my SUV in for servicing at the local Ford dealer. The shuttle truck driver was Mexican (probably undocumented) and I told him about my dream. Apparently he was very into dreams and he told me he had this Mexican dream interpretation book and that my dream meant that I should be very careful with law enforcement, not run any red lights, or do any bad driving. I'm not sure that was what the dream was about, but it wasn't bad advice in any case.

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Mexican for a night and the Flood in TJ - by Finite Statist Machine - 01-24-2011, 12:42 AM

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