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The Gender Farm
The Gender Farm

My preceding dream prior to this one was one of horrendous killings, it was kill or be killed, and it was abhorrent.

I found myself in medical infirmary. There were rows of beds filled only with men. They all appeared to be prepped for surgery or being prepped for surgery. They were being attended by women nurses that all appeared strangely masculine. As I walked up the aisle between the rows of beds I could not discern anything wrong with the men. I stopped to question one of the manly looking nurses and asked what was wrong with these men, she advised me to ask the doctor.

I decided at that time to leave the infirmary, but as I turned to go, I was grabbed by several orderlies. I protested as they grabbed me and placed me on one of the beds and began an IV. I asked the patient in the bed next to me what was going on. He informed me that the ugly nurses were once men and that this was a castration facility and this place was known as the gender farm. I immediately pulled the IV from my arm and rush down the aisle to the Doctor and questioned him as to want was going on. He advised me that when I arrived at the facility, I answered a question on a survey with an affirmative response. The question asked was whether I was afraid to die. Answering affirmatively deemed me unsuitable for breeding. Immediately I told him I misunderstood the question and that I was not afraid to die but that I merely did not wish to. He indicated that in order to avoid castration there was only one alternative, I would have to prove my assertion as required by others.

At this point in the dream it was not implicitly stated but the gist of the dream was that in this new world only the strongest specimen's could survive and only the best physical specimen were chosen as breeding stock. Little did I know what the process involved?

I was taken out of the infirmary in a single file line of men. Just on either side was a 10 ft chained linked fence topped by looped razor barbwire. In front was a large enclosed arena, again topped with barbwire, it resembled what it was, a killing field. As we were led around the compound there was a large shower area where a handful of men were performing hand to hand martial arts drills. We were told these men had survived to the second level of testing. From there we were taken to a holding pen 100ft away but in plain view of the arena.

Inside the arena was a monstrously large frightful man. It was he who we would face in single combat. We were all ordered to proceed down a long thin 100 ft corridor to face the giant. As I was the last one in line, I began my meditation in preparation for flight. Flight in my dreams has always been a possibility for me. But somehow, something was different this time, for although I was gaining altitude my lift was being impeded. It was at the last possible moment that I cleared height of the barbwire fence. As I cleared the fence my normal abilities to fly returned and my captors noticed my escape.

As I circled overhead I saw the first encounter with the giant. With little waste of time, he split his first victims head wide open with his double bladed axe. The second entry however was surprising; the giant was facing one of his own troops. The second giant was smaller than the first but was also much quicker and after several brief exchanges he also laid opens his opponents head. While the second giant turned his attention to face and taunt the next victim, I saw an opportunity to strike, flying down into the arena I snatched up the first giant's double bladed axe. Turning to see me the second giant rushed forward and futility swung his axe at me flying out of reach. After several futile, angry swings and misses by the giant, I opened his head. It then became incumbent on me to become the axe man, but having seen enough killing I took my leave. Knowing that in doing so I would become a hunted fugitive/refugee.

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The Gender Farm - by Pesqueira - 02-15-2012, 11:19 AM

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