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LeJeune and Time Warp
May 18, 2014 2:10 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
I woke up suddenly, after 4 hours of sleep. In a half-waking condition, I remembered some scenarios. Others are lost, to me.
I seemed to be on some kind of battlefield, but in a place of rest (a lull in the fighting): and, away from where fighting was being waged. Was listening to someone else, through a radio (not a walkie-talkie, but larger). That individual was in a far-off place, unrelated to my own situation. The other individual was also working in a military capacity, of some sort. [I have never served in the military, in my real life.]
I asked where this other man was. The word "LeJeune" was repeated, several times. In the dream, (as in reality), I didn't know anything about a Camp LeJeune, in North Carolina. (i.e., there was no previous association with this real place, in my mind). To me, this "LeJeune" conjured up an image of a very far-away place, up near the Arctic Circle and "way beyond the international dateline". Rather surreal. Because, when I asked him to synchronize our watches (i.e., to compare our time zones), to find out how far away he might be--(time-wise)--it turned out that it was 2:00 a.m., for him, and 12:00 (midnight), for me. [It was only after I woke up that I realized that the other man was 26 hours ahead of me! And, that is totally impossible, in reality.]
Somehow, there was an arranged meeting (he and I arranged it, together), for my commanding officer to go "up there", where he was, for some weird kind of "debriefing": or, to compare notes, for logistical purposes.
The next "scene" was some sort of "base", at that other place (I even referred to Alaska, in my dream, and the other man gave no impression that I was "far off", in my estimation of where that actual place might be. [with no "apparent" connection to the real "LeJeune": which is nowhere near Alaska].
I had gone with my CO (commanding officer) and was an "onlooker", to what happened, after that. The only significant (but strange) thing I vividly recall was being on that "base" and focusing on some sort of chain-link pen or enclosure--just big enough (maybe 4-5 feet wide and about 10 feet long) for my superior to enter, while awaiting the other man (who was an officer, too). The other man came (there seemed to be other men in uniform around the "pen") and he entered the enclosure and proceeded to "check out my commander", paying attention to his uniform and insignia, which were different from his. He seemed to "rough up" my superior commanding officer, a little. I was surprised that my CO was being treated that way, in an enclosure that seemed like a pig pen (i.e., he was being treated like a pig, not a "friendly").
After that, I fully woke up, and most of the other portions of the dream were quickly forgotten, except for one scenario that occurred prior to me being in this initial scene (a place of quiet). I was in some kind of craft (massive, like a blimp, (or like a C-47 military transport plane) [which I just googled, because I never was military]. It was odd, though, because this "transport" didn't seem to have wings (but, hanging out of the back end of one of those planes, one is not aware of either the wings or the tail.
We were falling out of the sky, and it was not known what lay below us, whether water or land.
(After "falling out of the sky", the scenario changed to something else, and then to the place of R&R, for lack of a better word.)

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LeJeune and Time Warp - by Reeever - 05-18-2014, 04:08 AM

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