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Half eaten apple from relative
I dreamed that my best cousin and some other cousins along with my father had come to visit. For some reason only one of the cousins and my father were noticed the whole time. However, even the one cousin that was noticed wasnt really active in the dream til the end. My father took a painting off the wall that he had and opened the frame to mark the days date for some reason. Then he half way put the painting back into the frame. He couldn't finish because someone else was there framing another picture and my dad was in the way. My dad started helping me do my workout. For some reason we only had on our draws on for the workout. I pointed out a plant in a pot that had a lot of resistance when you step on it. He tried it too, and then turned it over and looked at what kind of plant it was. We discussed it, but I don't remember what was said. I just remember him saying when he bought it. There was also a store in the house kind of like a drug store where I bought a card and envelop. Before I bought it, I went to the cashier to shake her hand and talk because she was sitting in the corner in a hoove-around and I knew her. She complained about how the store was treating her. I had trouble getting it paid for because the cashier misplaced the envelop in a stake of papers. Once she found it I paid for it. Then I saw my cousins wondering around. Towards the end of the dream when it was time for the cousin to leave, she came out into the living room area where me, my father, some strangers (who were adimate about playing a Dianna Ross record...which they did) were sitting and talking. The cousin gave me a half eaten green apple. I asked if it was for me, and she said yes. Then I ate the rest of it. Then she went back to her room and sat on the bed with her packed bags on the floor and her hair pulled back in a ponny tail which is unusual for her. I asked if she was leaving and she said yes and in the afternoon. I felt like I had missed time spent with her. I was sad.

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Half eaten apple from relative - by zenallycat - 05-31-2014, 06:32 PM

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