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Neighbor Problems
Last night I dreamt about one of my neighbors. I've never formally met or really talked to the guy or his family, but I have seen them around and waved to them as I passed them on the street.

I often sit outside with my husband when he smokes, and in the dream, I was doing just that. I was excited when I saw grey clouds gathering in the sky. Nothing is more soothing than rain to me. I love the sound, the way it brightens the grass and perks up my flowers, but best of all, the way it makes everything smell. I just couldn't wait!

But as I watched the sky, the excitement left me. I noticed that some gray clouds were moving while others were not. Tiny grey puffs of clouds would move to gather into one large puff, instead of all the clouds moving evenly the way that they should. It looked unnatural. Manufactured even. It was very odd.

I could feel the wind pick up, and as the sky darkened, I got a bit concerned that there might be a tornado. The area where I live is on very flat land and is an ideal place for such a thing.
I was discussing the possibility with my husband, and he didn't seem concerned. We had lived through Katrina, so this was baby stuff compared to that. Still, I had a bad feeling about SOMETHING.

As we sat, I noticed a man in the upper left-hand side of our fence. The fence, in the dream, had been built with an opening, and the man had just walked in and was staring at us. I recognized him as our neighbor. I pointed him out to my husband, and my husband said that he must have needed help or came to visit. Nope. I couldn't put my finger on it, but our neighbor didn't look right. He just didn't feel right. He DID need help, but that wasn't what he had come into our yard for. Something was very wrong...

I begged my husband to come inside with me and lock the door, because our neighbor started walking up to us, and the closer he got, the deeper the sinking feeling in my stomach got. He wasn't right. I looked at him as he inched across our yard, and saw his hands fall to his sides. He had a knife! I pointed it out to my husband, who said that that knife could have been for anything. I was being paranoid.

I paced back and forth on the porch until our neighbor had made it half way across the yard. I couldn't force my husband to listen to me... and I had a houseful of sleeping boys with me. Apparently, I would have to take matters into my own hands, so I warned the neighbor not to come any closer or I would be forced to shoot him... but he kept walking towards us... so I went inside to get a gun.

On the way back out, I shut and locked the boy's rooms in case anything should happen to me, and then walked out the back door. The man had a gun now too and was pointing his knife at my husband. My husband was trying to talk him down, to no avail, so I pointed my gun at the neighbor. He put his knife away and pointed his gun back at me.

I told him that if he walked away now, I would forget the whole thing ever happened. No one had to get hurt tonight, and aside from that, we should all be preparing for a storm. He just laughed. He pointed to the open back door and asked what kind of stuff we had in there. I told him that it was none of his business and kicked the door closed with my foot and asked him to leave again.

He took a couple of more steps closer and I asked him if he really wanted to do this. I didn't want to shoot him. He kept walking closer. It was about this time that I realized that my gun wasn't even loaded... I was really in a bind now. He walked onto our porch and held his gun maybe an inch from my head, I aimed mine back at his. I was NOT going to back down... I had to make him believe that I meant business. I told him that I could and would shoot. I had three little ones inside and a husband that needed me, he shouldn't underestimate what I may or may not do just because of what I look like... He said if he shot me first, he wouldn't have to worry, and I assured him that with my last dying breath, he would NOT make it into the house. Aside from that, what would HIS wife and kids think of him?

He lowered his gun and got very upset and started crying. Apparently he and his wife had been having problems, but he wouldn't say why at first. While he was distracted, I snatched his gun away and demanded his knife. He handed it over and I had my husband check him for any other weapons - he was clean. I gave my husband the other gun, and put mine away. The man asked me to forgive him and I did. I almost felt sorry for him now. I had him come inside (With my husband watching him) and I told the neighbor that because he had threatened my family, I had to call the police. He said he understood. While we waited on the police, I gave him a towel to dry off with and fixed him some hot cocoa as he cried over his family.

He had mentioned that he had a drug problem. Well, that certainly explained a lot. His wife was threatening to take his kids and leave him. They had gotten into a big fight and he had taken some drugs to deal with the pain and he said he just snapped. For some reason, he thought my family had been perfect and I just laughed. I don't think there is any such a thing as a "perfect" family. He had to get over THAT sort of idea. I asked him what kind of drugs he had been taking and he just told me it was a pink pill he got from a hospital. We talked some more, and it dawned on me that I kinda liked this guy, he was ok as long as he wasn't on drugs.

The police came and got him, shortly after that, we were called to return the gun that we had taken from him. The guy worked for the sheriff's office (Which would explain the car he has in his driveway). I thought this was a bit unfair for whatever reason, but we all loaded up to return the gun to the Sheriff's Dept.

I had my husband run inside to return the weapon. For my own reasons, I prefer not to deal with the sheriffs office... I didn't trust them. As I waited, the neighbors family knocked on the glass. I thought to myself that she must want to scream and yell at me for having her husband arrested, but I rolled down my window and she thanked me.

She was talking very low so that her kids wouldn't hear her. She apologized for her husband and told me he had a drug problem. I told her I knew and understood. She cried and told me she didn't know what to do. I told her there wasn't really anything she COULD do, he had to want to change for himself. If he tried to change for her or their kids, he would always go back to it.

She said she needed to see her husband, so I offered to watch her kids while she did that. I gave the kids my kindle to play with while they waited, all of the children (Mine and theirs) played together happily.

A little while later, my husband came back inside from the Sheriffs Dept. telling me that they had taken his finger prints and personal information. WTH?! WE weren't the ones to attack anyone! I thought that I had a right to protect my home! He also told me that the neighbor hadn't lost his job and would not be jailed.

Well, I liked the guy, but that seemed unfair too! As a law enforcement officers, you would think that they would be held to high standards and be punished when they abused the power granted to them to protect the innocent people. I guess that is just the way things are now... I woke up waiting for the children's mother to return for them...

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Neighbor Problems - by Elyse - 06-16-2014, 01:16 PM

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