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6/13/15 Congratulations: False Flag?
Thanks, esholars. That's sort of like BBC reporting on the Building 7 demolition 20 minutes before it fell just like a Vegas demolition on 9/11. Don't worry, more evidence will be forthcoming.

Nanny, Glenn Beck has a lot of great things to say, even some pretty solid philosophies. I have read a couple of his books. HOWEVER, I have seen him blindly ridiculing several different assured conspiracy facts, such as 9/11, Birthers, and my favorite was when he purposefully tried to cover up the FEMA camps. That one was a hoot. How do you ever PROVE a negative? I mean, how do you PROVE that there are no FEMA camps? Well, of course, he provides no real evidence, just starts using severe blame language and name calling to get his message across. Personally, he lost me for sure after the blasphemous name calling right after Barry was elected (using the hideous name "Birthers"). Both he and Bill O'Reilly have become the official Barry sympathizers for the Republican mind control machine. It's been rather disgusting to watch.

Messages In This Thread
6/13/15 Congratulations: False Flag? - by Eagle1 - 06-13-2015, 07:53 AM
RE: 6/13/15 Congratulations: False Flag? - by Eagle1 - 06-18-2015, 01:54 PM

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