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Anxious and Lost Returning from City Trip
I was visiting a close female friend, Karen, who worked in the city of Chicago, and she had another female friend with her who had brought along her unleashed golden retriever. We had planned to drive home from the city to the suburbs with this friend. Plans, however, changed and we now had to go to the commuter train station and buy train tickets to go home. I was worried that I did not have enough money for the ticket; although I had a $20 bill in my wallet I was very reluctant to use it. Karen and her friend quickly bought their tickets and I just stood there debating as to what to do. As so often happens in my dreams, I'm struggling to hold and balance everything in my arms: soft-sided brown leather briefcase, and stacks of papers (and oh that is so true in non-dream life!). I finally decide to buy the ticket but I'm having difficulty holding everything and pulling the money out of my wallet. A kind middle-aged man says he'll hold my briefcase for me, and I manage to slide the $20 into the machine and punch out the ticket. Then I'm alarmed to realize I bought a J ticket (bold red tickets with black lettering) for the wrong line home. I wanted to buy a single one way ticket and the machine instead used all my money and gave me several one way tickets. While I was doing this, Karen and her friend had proceeded onto the train, although the dog stayed by my side.

So now I was running to the train with the dog, and as I passed the kind man he gave me back my briefcase. I got onto the train and inside was more like a small village. Many ethnic groups were on board, and I was initially concerned I would not be welcome (as a white), but they were all gentle and welcoming. I proceed through the cars, which were not long and narrow with windows running along the sides, but more like a series of rooms with casual seating throughout. Eventually I got off the train on one of the stops, and did not recognize the area at all. It did not look and feel like a Chicago suburb. I appeared to be in a small town, but the buildings were a bit exotic looking. I felt very anxious, I did not know where I was or how to get home.

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Anxious and Lost Returning from City Trip - by Iris - 05-09-2016, 07:01 AM

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