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2/10/15 Oddities galore + Wound Nova Lady
Oddity #1: The bot run produced squirrely results the first 2-3 attempts. It went from 45 words to 1,000 words, and finally settled to what we see here….fairly standard except that there’s only one word that qualifies for a caution flag. That’s really sad. We’re not in a lull, but we have no big movers. That’s doubly sad.

Oddity #2: Science and Spirit are right next to each other. Gotta love that one.

Oddity #3: The same spiritual words are here today as compared to yesterday. Imagined, Disappear, Sensed, etc.

Oddity #4 Nova is back. This time it’s Wound Nova Lady. I have a few guesses at which lady that might be, but let’s just watch this one.

Oddity #5: Bullet appears at the top and Reload appears toward the bottom of the up words.

I could go on, especially with a certain phrase in the biggest loser section, but that one is too controversial. Everyone have a great day and we’ll go see if our developer can begin Phase 2 on our new site!


UP Words:     mon bullet science spirit piano disappear receiving forgotten gesture imagining priest pause urgent seals thumb laughter branch sensed velvet vanished electronic nicely tent doubt considering wound lady nova reload terminal horizon spa promised

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2/10/15 Oddities galore + Wound Nova Lady - by Eagle1 - 02-10-2015, 11:19 AM

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