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2/16/15 The President's Keeper
Glad to see Group 1 confirms hunch about gender group in yesterday's bot run. Gender confusion and all things peripheral, but important to it will rule the year along with a lot of other hot-button issues.

Just today, has another story on this gender mess.

"President broccoli" could mayyybe point to GW Bush's dad, Herbert?

"Convince nova" and then "gemini sick?" I've gotta slow down and ponder these. Hope y'all have some hunches that I can get on-board with.

"Snakes" dreamed of, in the loser section. Yep, I awoke this am dreaming of three snakes, each a different type being in one room of my home, then going out-of-sight, and me very concerned for my daughters that still lived at home, in the dream.

(Expecting a phonecall from my one friend that's a truly gifted dreamer. I was eating so she said she'll call back in half-hour. Said she had an "epic" dream last night, so I know it's "one of those" and I've gotta check and see if she's reported it here, yet.)
Time to read this thread. Another good one.

The keeper's a female, I believe and it ain't the wife. It's the boss for sure. heh heh...

Likely, on a false flag concerning the sun. A retired CIA agent that lives in Canada claims that one has already been EMP over the main 48 and another country was maybe going to be blamed, or the sun blamed. Anyway, that sure is possible. Hope the next attempt, if so, fails also. (I should say....if true, also. It's reportedly...I don't know the dude personally, but I sure as heck discern a fine soul.)

(Ah, so eggs were dreamed about. Still, not milk. Oh well, I was the only one that dreamed of "missing milk" and I'm not a gifted dreamer, except everyone gets at least a very few dreams that are prophetic, over their lifetimes. Snakes again....I take note of these. The last one was a warning dream for me to be very careful at that time, as the green snake struck me in the solar-plexes, but I was fine, didn't even feel pain.)

Messages In This Thread
2/16/15 The President's Keeper - by Eagle1 - 02-16-2015, 10:11 AM
RE: 2/16/15 The President's Keeper - by G0'D - 02-16-2015, 01:32 PM
RE: 2/16/15 The President's Keeper - by Nanny - 02-16-2015, 03:50 PM
RE: 2/16/15 The President's Keeper - by Nanny - 03-13-2015, 04:53 PM

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