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3/19/15 Red Experiment, Monsters, & Portal MILD
You'll be happy to hear that 'morning star' has nothing to do with Isis or Shiva.
Right now, Venus is happily moving away from Mars so 'things' should ease off for now in that respect although there is other stuff happening when it comes to astrology.

Controlling, shadowy Pluto and freedom-fighting Uranus have been engaged in a three-year series of harsh, 90-degree angles, called “squares” in astro-speak. As we’re tugged between these contrasts of old versus new, we’re all being forced to examine our deepest values and motives. We know we need to open our minds, adapt and try a new approach. At the same time, we don’t want to throw the baby with the bathwater. Some rules were not made to be broken—but sussing out which ones to keep has been quite a process.

From 2012-15, there were seven “exact” squares, when the two celestial bodies are at the same degree. During these periods, we’ll feel the tension strongest:
June 6-July 9, 2012
September 18-October 1, 2012
May 15-Jun 1, 2013
Apex Point October 17-November 15, 2013
April 12-29, 2014
November 26-December 27, 2014
March 11-28, 2015

Attempting a peace summit between the planet of liberation (Uranus) and the cosmic control freak (Pluto) ain’t easy. Pluto digs in its heels while Uranus leaps without looking, which can leave us feeling scattered and utterly confused about which direction to take. Heightening the pressure, Pluto is in patriarchal Capricorn, guardian of hierarchies, governments, structures and the old guard—while Uranus is in hotheaded Aries, defender of autonomy and individual rights. If Lady Gaga and Rush Limbaugh (or the late Margaret Thatcher) had a tea party, it would look like this. (Crash! We can hear the heirloom china shattering). It’s a veritable Zuccotti Park in the sky, with the astrological “one percent” and the “99 percent” duking it out. Occupy…Solar System?

On a personal level, life for many people has been riddled with curveballs or unexpected events since the Pluto-Uranus squares began in 2012. The rug’s been unceremoniously pulled out from under you. Attempts at self-reform have been challenged. Not much has come easily. In order to pass “Go,” you’ve had to face your own shadow nature, take a hero’s journey, or have a near-existential crisis first. Rash moves and thoughtless actions have met harsh consequences. This no time to live an unexamined life, that’s for sure. For many of us, the theme song for any major decision has been The Clash’s “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”
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RE: 3/19/15 Red Experiment, Monsters, & Portal MILD - by Sherriann - 03-20-2015, 09:38 PM

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