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5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?!
Twice, I hadn't thought of the election process, but your argument sounds plausible. I assume that you're seeing Group 1 excluded from the election meme, though, correct? Are you sensing some day residue from the whole ISIS charades at the Southern border? Another question: What if the election theme that you've been covering quite well lately is actually a TIME marker, and the invasion would then be happening around that election period. Just brainstorming here. Oh how about this....Barry (another consistent name) will have to suspend the election due to the INVASION. Something that drastic would tend to put the US in a chronic state of shock and overreaction. Again, I don't necessarily see all this in the run, but just thinking out loud.

esholars / Nanny: I'm withholding any opinion about Matt Drudge. I've found that accusations against individuals do very little to our cause of predicting the future, nor does it help us get to the Truth. All I was doing here is pointing out the facts. In this case, Drudge had the two headlines smashed right together. That was a fact. I have no idea if that was intentional or accidental, but in my mind, I don't even really spend a lot of time toiling with that question. It just doesn't matter. The closer we remain to pure awareness, the closer we can get to the truth and weed out inconsistencies. Drudge might be part of the clan, or another significant explanation that shouldn't be ignored is that his UNCONSCIOUS thought patterns UNCONSCIOUSLY placed those headlines together. In other words, without HIS undivided conscious attention, Rupert Sheldrake's Morphegenic Field caused him to UNCONSCIOUSLY smash the two ideas together. It was a warning from Jung's Collective Unconscious (maybe). There's just so many valid explanations, that the 'why' question simply slows us down. That's why I don't mind going to Fox, CNN, Drudge to pull up some news. I don't necessarily just go to get some discrete headlines, but rather to get the main gist of the overall message and how it's laid out. The latter is actually more important in my book. Many agendas might be recognizable just from the way everything is laid out. 

Messages In This Thread
5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by Eagle1 - 05-05-2015, 09:38 AM
RE: 5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by Nanny - 05-05-2015, 01:23 PM
RE: 5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by Eagle1 - 05-05-2015, 04:35 PM
RE: 5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by Nanny - 05-05-2015, 05:08 PM
RE: 5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by Nanny - 05-05-2015, 09:23 PM
RE: 5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by *AD - 05-06-2015, 10:25 PM
RE: 5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by *AD - 05-07-2015, 12:16 PM
RE: 5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by still - 05-06-2015, 10:30 PM
RE: 5/5/15 Red Alert: Excellent WHAT?! - by *AD - 05-06-2015, 10:37 PM

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