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Hi George,
Had a most-disturbing dream this morning. I was in a large city (difficult to tell from the dream WHICH city, lots of large buildings but no distinguishing features), when I noticed a small parachute (too small to carry a person) float by and land. Shortly after that, it detonated. Right after that, several more started appearing in all directions. I remember saying loudly to those around me "WE ARE BEING CARPET BOMBED" and it dawned on us all to take cover. We started running for an underground area (subway or parking garage), at which point I woke up.
Needless to say, I tried all morning to shake the creepy feeling this gave me.
Trying to remember more about the dream, but the city I was in was a typical large city, with a mix of older and new glass-curtain architecture type buildings. I couldn"t see any landmarks. I am not even certain if this was an American city.

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"WE ARE BEING CARPET BOMBED" - by SportinGal - 06-28-2010, 03:27 PM

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