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commotion discontent
Times had gotten hard.. jobs seemed to disolve into nothingness people were confused.. the days seemed to be a conglomerate of mixed emotions and discontent and changing weather patterns. floods and earth quakes were a normal part of the news..along with forest fires.. a blinding rainbow from the north seemed to change the moon to a beautiful pink color and all power stoped.. peoples homes burst into flames clamity,,pestilance bugs eathing the leaves off of the very trees that were there to shade you.. what once was cold now hot.. water scarce.. people walking their lips chapped.begging for food for their children.. what once was lush green now desert.
A solar flare had hit sparking the depths of the earth to spew lava. power gone,

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commotion discontent - by wendlo - 12-08-2010, 04:05 PM

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