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Dogs and Fences

Dreamed Aug 8th 2014

Living with sister and her family in a multistoried home with large front and side porch and large deep and wide backyard. My sister had a party, lots of her and her husband's friends came. I helped prepare food. The party was long and fun. I fell in bed fully clothed, exhausted, dirty and drunk. Woke up the next day before anyone else did even my dad. I took the dogs out. There were 8 of various sizes and breeds. My dog was completely white with long hair, medium size. They were running around so happy in backyard. I put food out for them and my sister asked me to help feed the crowd that stayed over breakfast.

Over breakfast there is talk of the fun party, a big fire that was on the news, heavy bills for water, dogs and fearing the new government. Most of the men and kids, dogs and I go outside. I point out the problems with the backyard fences. Each side and the back were fences made of different types of materials. One side was wobbly chain link, other side was wood, and back was reeds.

The reeds fence was very unstable and all the visiting men said let's fix it. I said the guy across the alley had extra materials he said he'd share. Several went to talk with him and began bringing metal webbed flat loungers by the dozen. They were rust in color. We began attaching these and other items of wood and metal to the fence.

Suddenly and frightening large crane trucks rolled into the alley making a lot of noise. Men dressed in matching overalls began using equipment to expose water pipes on the neighbors side of the chain link side fence. The neighbor is not home. Government drones are over head. The men won't answer any questions. They take out old plumbing pipe and install new. Finally a crew foreman comes to the front gate and wants in. He answers questions. Says the new pipe will be put in everywhere and will help monitor water needs and safety and use. Praises us for not starting a riot. Asks us to hang large plastic posters on our alley side back fence to tell others about the great benefits of the new pipes.

The men finish and take trucks and leave. We hang posters upside down in the alley. We are feeling used, fearful, and ironic with our upside down rebellion. A drone watches us. When all five have been installed the drone announces the governments pleasure with us. It's all we can do to not look at drone, not laugh, and we go into house to discuss.

Everyone decides to stay another night to talk. We drink but it's not a party. I feel scared. I ask my sister to let my dog sleep with me, which is against her rules. But she says yes and thanks for getting the fence fixed.

The next morning I also take dogs out. I see a raccoon that lives in the backyard. The dogs ignore him. Then I see three of the dogs are playing with a panther. I'm stunned and go closer to look as I go closer the panther changes into a lion and tiger. Then they vanish, I am bewildered.

A man comes up to me with a cut on a finger. I reassure him and take him to my nephews bathroom where I know there are bandaids. The porch railing is being replaced with a more sturdy, defensive, type wall. Other men have put in a wrought iron and wood gate in back by alley, and bars on vulnerable downstairs windows. We are preparing the house with safety features.

Plans are to do this at everyone's house that were at the meeting. I am so fearful, trying to be brave, and thankful I have my own loving dog. It seemed to be early fall, some leaves were falling.


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Dogs and Fences - by Graystar - 08-04-2014, 02:15 AM

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