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intention: Dallas, wrong terrain for Dallas
Night of Aug 20

Intention: "I will dream about the most significant thing happening in Dallas within the next six weeks."

I was taking a road trip to the mountains by myself. It was high enough elevation to have snow on the ground this time of year and slightly wooded. First stop the mall. I don"t like malls in waking life because the perfume gives me asthma. I spotted the clearance, my favorite rack. Looking at the shoes. Mostly lace-up boots camo, but in garish colors pinks and blues. Short rack with shoes. The shorts were too short and too small. Leave mall, didn"t need anything anyway.

Driving again to meet my father, only not my father in waking life. Driving still in mountains with few houses, all far apart and giants. Meet two ladies, talk to them as if right next to me even though we are in two separate cars. (2 cars, 3 women numbers repeat later on). I told them it was a pretty area but I miss the open sky, but it was very pretty. They turn right and I go straight.

This was actually a pleasant airy dream.

I know there are no mountains in Dallas, but there are theme restaurants and climbing walls in many malls. There are also many entertainment venues. The only two I can think of off hand are Great Wolf Lodge and Twin Peaks restaurants.

2nd dream

I was about to go on a road trip. My mom called me on my cell complaining that I didn"t tell her I was sick. I told her I didn"t think she wanted to know of my illnesses since she always accuses me of complaining about nothing and I didn"t think she would care about an upset stomach. I was just going to pull my car up a few feet to finish packing the car. I was suddenly in traffic. I was making a right turn when I pulled into the wrong lane, the parking area of a small garage. I tried to pull into the lane but their wooden spikes punctured my front three tires, the back two were fine (3 front tires, 2 back). I was about to call for help when I realized my car only has four tires and that I was dreaming. I was more angry and frustrated in this dream than anything.

I had another dream either after the 1st or 2nd dream about a family opening a restaurant. It as an old large house and had multiple dining rooms and kitchenettes. I thought it inconvenient. I was told it wasn"t that each section was to serve only one or two different dishes and would serve only one small dining room. I asked what if a large party came in and they all ordered out of different kitchen but sat in the same dining room. They would hire a food runner. It sounds a bit like a food court but with more dining rooms. I felt bewildered about the concept and that it wouldn"t work than anything.

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intention: Dallas, wrong terrain for Dallas - by Cara - 08-22-2014, 02:53 AM

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