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1/9/15 Explanation for France's "Cartoon Project"
So much to look at here it caused my eyes to cross. The first thing I attended to was the fact that “French” shows up in the biggest loser section, which implies that it was once a superstar recently. However, I didn’t remember seeing it in our daily surge report. So, I investigating and found that French DID surge on the 3rd and 4th, just a couple of days prior to the alleged attack. Incidentally, this word French was overshadowed by other big words that were popping all at the same time.

The algorithm automatically adjusts a filter for how many words will be presented to us, and French was banned on that day because of this filter. It will take some time to reorganize this to prevent this from happening in the future. I provide the historical chart for French:


The rest of the run is significant all the way around. On the top of the list, we have “Awakened Cheese” both at Red Alert levels, but no significant support underneath. Next, we have ANIMALS making a strange and obvious presence here. Is Awakened associated with animals somehow (that would either make it creepy or very esoteric). Also, don’t rule out “Heads” being associated with that too.

However, check out day residue at green grouping #1. It almost sounds like a whistleblower putting up a flag about the recent Paris “shootings.” The whistleblower would call it a “Little Cartoon Project.”

Group 2 directs us to a “Former One Room with a Secret Magic Lover,” and so I’m wondering if that “Former One Room” would actually be the “Oval Office?”

Group 3 relates again to the French situation and calls it a “Creepy Test.” I couldn’t agree more.


DOWN Words:   reading zero word excited entire mirror puppies separate meditation power french hanging bottle cake creepy test travelling thanks unknown wish couch crash 2014 sun lying dawn mon cool contract robot

UP Words:     awakened cheese bear class bird horse heads best annoying view little cartoon project talk guide former one room were secret 2015 lover magic plastic dad there two dream conscious person covered crying hug

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1/9/15 Explanation for France's "Cartoon Project" - by Eagle1 - 01-09-2015, 11:06 AM

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