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Paint brushes and Petunia's
The dream starts out with all of us in the house a wood cook stove making tea. The kids are all dressed in yellow suits and in one room we had taken old containers that we had put hoses into them and would use an old pond pump that ran on solar power to pump water at the roots of the plants. The kids in turn each had a paint brush that they would go around the blossum's of each plant to hand pollinate them.
We all enjoy the evening of song and stories of the times of old. Of when the fall came that year how the first thing that happened was a stock market crash and how the big war where so many lives were lost. then the change.. first the volcano's and the rumblings then the weather changes and a flash in the sky that brought society to a standstill. The kids had gotten over their fears and things were getting back to normal. We had indoor gardens that it was the childrens duties to see that the water was full from the outside barrels.. and the women made a makeshift clinic at the school where anyone with the burns could come. The herb garden was fabulous with bright flowers and many plants drying racks.
There wasn't a sense of urgency but one of piece and stability with this dream.

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