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Phosphorescent Angels
As I was waking up a couple of days ago, I had a most unusual dream. I could not see in this dreamas I normally see, but I was participating in a conversation with some good friends and mentors. They were actually angels, and I could see them, but they were phosphorescent. They were discussing with me what would happen soon, and what I remember is this...There will soon be the splitting of the worlds, that which Christians call the Rapture, but it is more of a pulling apart than a "everybody imitates superman" moment. I saw two Earths splitting like in cell mitosis, the Earth became two Earths. The wicked were on one, together with the unaware, and the righteous and aware were on the other. The wicked imposed great suffering on the zombie sheeple and many of them woke up and started fighting the NWO overlords. On the other Earth, the Aware people expressed great relief that the Illuminists had gone and proceeded to begin creating a "Heaven on Earth". Note, by "righteous" I do not mean religiously dogmatic, but those who love what is good and true and just. All of the Aware were Righteous, but not all of the Righteous were Aware. There were Righteous people who were still in a 3d mind, because that was all that they had been taught. However, in the absence of the mind control brainwashing memering, these folks very quickly became Aware. One of the angels said to me, "I will not leave any of my people to suffer here (speaking of lower earth)". Those who have to suffer on lower earth to gain Awareness must be killed by the Beast-the Illuminist One World Government. The angel said to me, "This is how we will tell who the truly guilty ones are! Nobody will ever again be able to blame humanity for humanity's sins! It will be obvious to all who the problem is-Lucifer, the Fallen One!!! He and his minions and cohorts!!!"
He continued, "Humanity without his influence will heal and rebuild in peace. There will be no pain, no suffering, no disease, no wars, no fighting. If humans only knew this now, the problem is not race or colour or religion or gender. The problem is Lucifer."

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