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High desert quake
I'm standing in the second story of a two story house I've never seen before. I'm with several other people, they feel like family, but I can't identify who. Walls are white, tan furniture, white cube end tables. Seems like a social gathering and a few people are holding drinks. As we're talking, there is a loud noise and it feels as if the house had been picked up and dropped. People are stumbling and falling on the floor and over the furniture.
I'm the first down the stairs with the rest following me. Stair railing is white. I come to a stop on the wooden floor and stare out a large bay window. The outside view looks almost like high desert -- dirt, scrub bushes, low vegetation, small hillocks. Farther out, the ground is collapsing in the center and coming together. Closer in, vibrations start, get bigger and suddenly the house is tilting 45 degrees right. End of dream. I wake up thinking "Cascadia" with no clue where that thought came from.

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