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Water incursion Los Angeles
I dreamt I was staying with a friend and had to go to work. Couldn't find my warm clothes when I went to my Motorctcle to ride into work. Gave up on the warm clothes and drove down Mullholland Drive towards the ocean (west) I figured it was better to go this way into LA than to fight the traffic by going south on the freeway. When I got to the end of the mountains I rode into water that was 6-8 inches deep. I was still a mile or two from the coast highway and could see the ocean far in the distance. The water was dark(black) and too deep to negotiate on the bike so I drove back onto mullholland and woke up. This dream was on April 29th, 2013. I don't own a motor bike and don't live on Mullholland Drive, but I am familiar with it when I used to live in the Midwilshire are of Los Angeles and had a business in Hollywood.

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