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Evil, Alter, and a Roof Collapsing
Y 4/30
On a piece of property looking around with my mom for a place to build something??. It looks like it is our property but there are things there that are not on our property. There is a deck that is stretching out over the edge of a cliff and we are talking about how pretty it is there and that we could build there. We see this character that continues to appear in my dreams, Sue, standing in the middle of the field meditating. She has long flowing hair the wind is blowing her hair away from her face. She doesn't speak but just walks past us like we are not even there. My mom starts to talk and I tell her not to talk loudly. My mom tells me that she isn't getting a good feeling about it (not Sue but the place where we are standing). I realize that Sue just shows up whenever she feels like it and is just following us around without saying a word. There is a tall corn or bamboo field behind her and mom is explaining why she feels that the place where we are walking is evil when there is a ruckus in the corn field and I get spooked only to find out that it was just a dog?? running through it (we don't have a dog). We laugh and think that we made ourselves scared for no reason and start walking a little further. All of a sudden there is this massive, stone alter that has stairs going up and my mom is mortified. We can't believe that it is actually there but I decide to have fun with it and be silly and I jump up on it and say something like we call out to the Gods of (something) while laughing hysterically. My mom did not find it funny at all and told me to never do that again. It is eerie and we walk a little further. We find a dilapidated old garage-type structure or some kid of house that is splitting along the roof line and it looks like the roof is about to cave in as there is quite a gap between one side of the gable roof and the other. I decide to try and push one side of it to try and close up the roof but it is too heavy. The stone wall is just too heavy to move. The dream goes on from there but I couldn't remember anything else because I didn't write it down right away.

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