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the drought
Went to bed as usually about 23:45
No drugs, no alkohol (as usual).
Used the suggested method for project august: repeated 5 times "I wish to have a dream about news in august 2014"

Because I'm native german speaker I wrote down my dream in german immediately after I woke up in the night in a few words.
In the morning I wrote down a detailed report in german.
This report is a loose translation from my script.

The dream:

Standing inbetween a small city or town. Only simple houses, flat, one store. Some kind of southern architecture. No
windowframes or glass, no doors, just holes in the wall. But it seemed absolutely normal to me.

Just a few people on the street. Walking normal, no stress, calmness all around. No need to talk to someone.
I seems like everything was fine.

The sun was low and soft yellow. No blinding light. The streets were dusty. All the atmosphere was full with dust.
There were no flowers or plants. Everything was in that soft yellow brownisch light and dust.

I notice a sign on a wall. Painted with a broad, about 2cm, brush with white color. It was a broad oval with an X inside.
This X crossed out some other symbol in the middle of the oval wich I couldn't recognize, because it was also in white.
I saw the sign in a view different places in different variations like it happens when painting freehand and using no mask.

My first thought in the dream was that this symbol depicts an eye. But I also knew that was wrong. I saw some more variants
but came to no conclusion.

After I woke up, I tried to draw the symbol. That was difficult, because I just had a pencil at hand.
But just after starting to draw, I had a strong idea of a goblet or chalice in the middle of the oval. I'm sure it was a
chalice with an upper cup and a socket beneath that were X-ed.

And immediatiely after recognizing the sign, I understood the meaning of the dream:
There is no water at all in this place! - Its dry. A drought.

Thats my 2cents.


Because its not easy for me to write all english this report may not fully represent the first impressions.
If you would like to read the original german text please drop me a note.

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