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Tranced People into Alien Craft
I dreamed I was walking into what I thought was a cave with a huge crowd of people in my mind I kept hearing words repeated over and over again, Be in the now and some other spiritual jargon I've heard in spiritual groups. Everyone else was in a trance but I was awake and noticed that it wasn't a cave at all but a giant space ship that everyone was walking into under a spell you might say. I started running through the crowd the opposite direction to get out of the ship and as I was running out I saw one of those tall greys with the huge eyes, the message was coming from the alien. I started saying to people wake up it's a trick, wake up! They weren't paying me any attention, they were deeply in trance. The alien saw me but paid me no mind even though I was not following his thought transmission I ran out of the ship. When I awoke I felt that some of this new age stuff was alien manipulation and part of an experiment.

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