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Clean the Gutters
Three of us are wandering around in the middle of nowhere. We are on intermingled dirt and grass paths outlined by rough terrain, large rocks, and tiny mountains. It kind of looks like an old Halo 1 map. We're looking for caves. We find several, but for some reason our first concern is making sure my over zealous friend doesn't fall into one of them.
I am at Electric Forest on the last day, but I am not in the Forest because I have everything they have out here. Inside they are just showing some videos for some reason, and I know this because I have their video stream right in front of me.
I am at home. I smoke a little pot and then my Dad comes over so I smoke a little more with him. Then my Mom comes in and starts putting us all to work. We have a conversation and I am told to clean the gutters and take this doll and set it outside somewhere. I walk out the front door with this covered doll, and it's blanket falls from it's shoulders, revealing two small, naked boobs. I wonder if they know this is a sex doll. I set her in the front yard where the cypress tree used to be and let her chill. I walk over to the magnolia tree and gander at the gutters over my Mom's bedroom. This is weird, I swear I just did the gutters. Well that was at Jon's house, so I guess that doesn't count. I thought about the shop vac, the spatula, and what I wanted to use for this job. The only vacuum I have is that small blue car vacuum. I would have to empty that thing every ten seconds. I walk back over to the sex doll and pick it up. I walk through the gate and into the back yard. I think about what I want to do to it and set it on the table.
I am distracted by two wonderful dogs who come to greet me! I pet the both of them, and squat down. Sidney is on my left, and Spencer is on my right with their bodies facing away from me at 45 degree angles to my meridian. I am petting the tops of their heads and they sniff me and lick me all over my face. I close my eyes and smile, still petting them, and I pay attention to the patterns they follow. Spencer's licks are spaced evenly and utilize the same surface area of his tounge each time. His tounge is soft, warm, wet, and gentle. Sidney's tounge is warm, wet, and lightly sandpaper-esque. His licks are more aggressive and randomized, using a slightly faster timing and a different amount of surface area each time. His fir coat is thick and heathly; it envelopes my hand. Spencer walks to the back door and Sidney sits on the dirt next to our patio and in front of the back porch. I give the dog a huge bear hug and place my head to his left. 'He shouldn't be here, why is he here,' I think to myself. I feel his ribcage and body structure. This is really him! Everything about him is right. I sit back and look at him, thinking about how these are somehow the same molecules that are in a box on my desk (right now they're in their best pattern). I pet him and sit with him.

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