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P1_06 Through the roof
October 7, 2014

I had woken a few times during the night and each time I reset my intention to news worthy events to occur within the coming week to ten days. I never recalled any dreams until my last sleep cycle, toward morning.

I am at home and I know it's time to get going and start my day but I feel tired and I'm not moving along as quickly as I normally would. I walk outdoors and I am shocked to see a black pick-up with a crew cab, laying on it's side in the ditch, wheels are still spinning, there is still dust rolling from our dirt road and I hadn't heard any sound. (dread) I instantly fear that they may have swerved to avoid one of the black feral cats I feed in the area. (guilt) It's up the road a bit, to my left, north, in front of my mother's house. When I run toward it to see if I can help the scene has changed a bit and there are other vehicles there, someone has already called authorities, there are people walking around. I ask if everyone is okay, no one answers, I ask three times. A man finally tells me "Two were thrown from the vehicle, they went through the roof of that house." and he pointed to my mother's house. I can see the roof through the single row of pines and a good quarter of the roof is caved in and there's a gaping hole and debris all around. I run to the house calling to my mother "are you okay? Are you alright?" and when I get to her I try to reach out to her shoulders but she is busy picking debris up and she looks at me with an "of course, why do you ask?" kind of expression. There are a lot of people around, I go back next door to my home to tell my husband and put shoes on. I can't find the shoes I want to put on. I'm getting frustrated, I need to get back over there to help but I can't. I finally find a pair of shoes and put them on and tie them but they aren't the right ones.

I go back over to my mother's house, walking past a large pile of boards, a large rustic cabinet with a decorative house in it, roof tin and things from inside the house to be discarded. There is a man there that explains more to me. The two people who were killed were a father and daughter who were riding in the back seats of the truck cab. They were thrown from the truck when it crashed and went through my mother's roof and were killed. The others were okay. Some sad children walk by who had gathered their toys from the truck and a second vehicle that I now see had been involved. (felt hope that meant they hadn't swerved because of a cat in the road). I see a man that arrives in a car with two solemn looking children. In the dream I know who he is and I'm glad he is there, he will be a great help and I feel somewhat relieved.

I get in the house and there are so many people helping, they brought food for the people who were working on securing the house. Finger food, I take a second look because some of it looked like fingers. My mother is just bustling around. I take a look around the house, where ever I look up I can see daylight coming through cracks and openings. We aren't going to be able to secure all of those from the coming rain, we have to try to make one secure room where she can live while repairs are made. She is still rushing around sorting things and cleaning up, she won't take a break and I'm worried, I tell her she must rest but she doesn't seem to notice I'm talking to her. I don't dare say it aloud but she just had two people crash through the roof of her house and get killed there, she's very much in shock, her mind is numbed and it's too much for her to process and someone needs to help her before it sets in and she faces what actually happened there. When all these people helping out are done and leave, she's going to be alone with her thoughts and come to realize the events and I don't know what will happen to her then. No one seems to hear me or pay attention to my concern about it.

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