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Will even I remember more of my dreams, finally?!
Aha, so this is the thread that was instrumental in changing my dream experience!

Here's a report of just a snippet not having enough info. in my memory to start a dream thread about.

I awoke this morning asking myself "who was that young girl??" that was asking me the question in the mall dream?

I was in a mall and could see a huge screen in it with someone famous singing. Don't know if I knew who was singing in the dream. A young girl that our girls played with during elementary-school age was there and then came up to me asking who it was on the screen, singing.

What really bugs me is that during the dream to truly awake few seconds I had a name of who I thought the girl was, but cannot recall to share this with our daughters or it to be of value.

Sure enough, I noticed sounds in our home that hubby was making or lawn service or someone, and felt more tired as if I should've slept longer. I clearly was awakened and it interrupted this dream and harmed my memory of the thing.

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RE: Will even I remember more of my dreams, finally?! - by Nanny - 05-11-2016, 07:50 PM

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