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08-23-2014, 09:07 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2014 11:13 PM by Eagle1.)
Post: #1
NDC Elder
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The Validated Dreams of...Sherriann
Validated Precognition #1 for Sherriann
We verified this precognitive dream with the following justification:
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 5 out of 5 -- Subject + Verb + other descriptor were all perfect. 9 or 10 people rescued after a sinkhole opened up. Other details describing the actual sinkhole appear to be a little off, but the main three components (the core of the dream) were all met.
WHERE: 0 out of 5 -- No location data available.
WHEN: 5 out of 5 -- Intended for August 1st and the sinkhole developed on August 1st.
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-05-30)
News Link (2014-08-02)
Additional commentary:
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5-0-5
- Well done, Sherriann!!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to
08-24-2014, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2014 01:12 PM by Eagle1.)
Post: #2
NDC Elder
![[Image: star.gif]]( ![[Image: star.gif]]( ![[Image: star.gif]]( ![[Image: star.gif]]( ![[Image: star.gif]]( ![[Image: star.gif]]( ![[Image: star.gif]]( ![[Image: star.gif]]( ![[Image: star.gif]](
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Validated Precognition #2 for sherriann
We verified this precognitive dream with the following justification:
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 -- Technically, the subject of the article is "space rocket" and verb is "explodes." Sherriann's statement, "Very close violent shaking disruption producing a huge billowing brown dirt cloud" is a direct metaphor for the subject and verb. Therefore, we begin with a 5.0 and subtract metaphor criteria. For me, the correlation is so precise, that I subtract the minimum for a metaphor because there's absolutely no doubt that her metaphor indicated the subject and verb. The points subtracted is 0.5, making the WHAT score a 4.5. The only way Sherriann could have achieved a 5.0 in this news article was to have defined the metaphor ahead of time (a rocket explodes).
WHERE: 3 out of 5 -- It was an intent dream for Dallas, TX. Therefore, the STATE was correct, so 3 points.
WHEN: 4.5 out of 5 -- "In the very near future" is nebulous, but the intention did apparently bring in a short term event. When a nebulous intention is made such as this, we shall consider the dream date to be the target date. In this case, the dream was on August 19 and the event was on August 22. That's 3 days, which falls within one week. Therefore, 4 points. (Note: this situation caused Change 4 in the scoring system).
Further notes from Sherriann:
I am supposing that the explosion would have shaken the ground - and it WAS an explosion/disruption that produced a billowing cloud of black/grey smoke, not a brown dust cloud except perhaps when the pieces hit the ground. Nonetheless, my dream didn't indicate what exploded. The fallout would have landed in the field/on the prairie, which would be somewhat covered in dirt dust where the pieces hit the ground probably before the cloud dissipated. What is that in the sky? A space rocket now in the form of a cloud.
Here is a link with a video -
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-08-19)
News Link (2014-08-23)
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5-3-4
- Well done, sherriann!!
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10-09-2014, 09:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2014, 09:39 AM by Eagle1.)
Validated Precognition #3 for Sherriann
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: China's Economy Overtakes US Economy
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-04-22)
News Link (2014-10-08)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 5 out of 5 -- China's economy overtakes the US economy in size. The actual headline is almost verbatim the prediction. Note that the dream itself was 100% metaphoric; however, the metaphor was interpreted and proclaimed as a Proj Aug headline #4: “It’s final: China overtakes the US as biggest economy.”
WHERE: 5 out of 5 -- This is an unusual case of where a city would be irrelevant (an exact location is completely irrelevant in this case). We have two countries in this prediction and both come true in the exact order predicted. Typically, a country-level prediction warrants only 2 points, but in this case, getting any more detailed than the country would actually be LESS accurate of a prediction. Thus, the full 5 points are granted.
WHEN: 2 out of 5 -- October 8th was well within a 3 month period from the intended August, so we score this at the seasonal level, which is 2 points.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5 - 5 - 2
- Another bullseye hit! Well done, Sherriann!!
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10-09-2014, 10:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2014, 10:28 AM by Eagle1.)
Validated Precognition #4 for Sherriann
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: A US-led bombing attack on Syria; campaign against ISIS on 20-21 September 2014
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-09-17)
News Link (2014-09-22)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 5 out of 5 – US bombs Syria. It can’t be any more explicit and efficient than that…The US uses ISIS as a pretext to bomb the heck out of Syria. Note that Sherriann’s prediction looked deceptively simple. In other words, many people might consider Syria obvious and “just a matter of time,” but this news article suggests that Syria was off the table for months: “ Until now, the administration had bombed Islamic State targets only in Iraq, and had suggested it would be weeks if not months before the start of a bombing campaign against Islamic State targets in Syria.”
Therefore, Sherriann’s prediction actually went against most experts’ predictions, which were based on the perpetually false info from the White House.
WHERE: 2.5 out of 5 – The country was correctly predicted, but the bombings undoubtedly had specific coordinates. Thus, this prediction receives 2 points, which equates to the correct country. However, Syria is a very small country, roughly the size of Washington state. So, while we can't consider it a state-level score, we can add a half of a point to factor in it's size.
WHEN: 5 out of 5 – The prediction was for 20-21 September, and that is exactly when it happened. Thus, max points.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5 - 2.5 - 5
- Well done once again, Sherriann!!
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Validated Precognition #5 for sherriann
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: bakery shooting
Links for Documentation:
Documented Prediction (2014-10-06)
News Link (2014-10-10)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 -- The explosion will be triggered from a nearby bakery (where someone is shot during an evil deal gone wrong that is going on at the same time as the trigger)
Someone is shot but because this article is a judgement on a murder case rather than the actual event, a 4 (The main subject of the real life story is exactly correct and the main verb of the real life story is exactly correct) goes down to a 3.5.
The article says "fatally shooting a victim in a bakery"
ADMIN: In this case, the subject and verb are indeed correct, and another very unusual descriptor is also exactly correct...the bakery. Typically, the WHERE component can't be used for scoring in another section, but in this case, the Bakery is simply a description of the bigger location (LA). Therefore, we are looking here at a full score because of all these accuracies; however, because the details are pieced together separately, we'll have to invoke the metaphor scoring.
More specifically, the bakery in the dream is not where the shot necessarily takes place (it's where the trigger for the explosion takes place), so "Trigger" is our metaphoric bridge begin our metaphoric scoring. The fact that bakery is even mentioned is frankly incredible, but ultimately what we have is subject, verb, bakery (descriptor) and Trigger (metaphor) all piecemealed together to start off our metaphoric scoring at 5.0. Because these connections were assembled just a little differently than real life, we subtract the standard metaphor penalty of 0.5, but no other deductions are required. Final score of 4.5.
WHERE: 4 out of 5 -- LA Memorial Coliseum. The explosion will be triggered from a nearby bakery
Santa Ana is part of Greater Los Angeles so the city is correct for a 4.
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- On or about October 20, or the beginning of November,
The article is dated October 10, 2014, so we're looking at 10 days off from the beginning of the predicted window. Interestingly, both sides of the time window both fall within 1 month of the target date, so this is self-explanatory... 3 points.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5 - 4 - 3
- Amazing job, Sherriann!!
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Validated Precognition #6
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: Medical Facilities on High Alert
Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (2014-10-04)
News Link (2014-10-15)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 -- A second round of Ebola will appear.... placed on high alert
ADMIN: Since ebola didn't actually hit these locations, we invoke the metaphor clause. However, the fact that all these places were placed on high alert (actually verbatim from the news), we have half the prediction is metaphor and half is quite literal. Therefore, to begin our scoring, the metaphor + literal content meets all requirements for a full 5.0 score, but the fact that we have an unidentified metaphor (it is the perceived threat of ebola instead of the actual virus), we must subtract .5 from the standard metaphor penalties, but no additional points need to be subtracted. Thus, 4.5
WHERE: 4 out of 5 -- southern Michigan and northern IN, OH, PA,
Northern, Ohio. It was NE Ohio. Cleveland, OH airport so airport is correct. Correct state for 3 and 3.5 for the correct part of the state. Pa was also on alert. There was an event in Belleville near Toronto, as well.
ADMIN: When multiple locations are predicted, individual scores are cumulative, but only with reasonable amounts. In this case, the 3.5 points for NE Ohio is well assessed. We add .5 for Toronto because this was a hit on the location, but an error in the WHAT for that location. In other words, in the prediction, Toronto was scheduled to have an actual ebola case. That did not happen, but the the patient was quarantined because he showed ebola-type symptoms. Total in this case is 4.0, but more would have been granted if Toronto had actually had a bona-fide ebola case.
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- near the middle of October to the middle of November 2014 (indications are October 30)
The first article appeared on October 15. The nurse was in Ohio from Oct 10 - 13. The correct day wasn't stipulated so the correct week is 4 but there were other dates so 3.5.
ADMIN: The dates here are very jumbled up. We begin with the prediction itself is a month long. It is the equivalent of saying "July" or "August." Instead, the predicted timing is middle of Oct to middle of Nov, so the best score possible here is 3 points, which is absolutely hit because all the news comes out right at the front end of that prediction window. Thus, 3 points.
Toronto Area
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5 - 4 - 3
- Well done again, Sherriann!!
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Validated Precognition #7
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: (Blue) Meteorite Crosses Sky
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-10-02)
News Link (2014-10-15)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 -- P1_05D A blue meteor/asteroid the size of a small tractor is seen from Florida to Texas as it crosses the sky on or about October 23.
blue - check (see radar picture in article)
meteor/asteroid - Folks at Lunar Meteorite Hunters are reporting that the boom may be sourced from a meteor's “sound barrier deceleration” or a meteorite striking the ground.
size of a small tractor - (see pic of debris field)
crosses the sky - check ( it drifted eastward )
The National Weather Service in Shreveport picked up a “debris field”
Monday afternoon, October 13, 2014, from 4:30 - 6 PM Central at the same
time many people in the ArkLaTex region reported a loud, ground-shaking boom.
But there was no precipitation. USGS said there was no seismic activity. DeSoto Parish Sheriff Rodney Arbuckle reported no oil and gas operations in the area and no explosions were found. Barksdale AFB and Camp Minden confirmed nothing at either base could explain the loud boom. Radar image of unidentified “debris field” at National Weather Service, Shreveport, La.
ADMIN: this is a rather amazing prediction, and clearly comes in metaphorically. "Blue Meteor" is metaphoric for the blue radar screen's display of the debris field. "Small tractor" is analogous to 'big.' But putting these all together, we have the subject, verb, and descriptor all perfectly laid out, but some of which is metaphoric. Therefore, we start with 5.0, and subtract the automatic .5 metaphor penalty. No other penalties are warranted because the metaphor is striking congruent.
WHERE: 4 out of 5 -- Florida to Texas - check (ArkLaTex region)
ADMIN: Normally, the score is commensurate with the exactness of the prediction, meaning that the prediction needs a specific address. But in this case, the debris field spans several sates, and Sherriann does a great job of choosing the right states. Therefore, we work the scoring backwards for this one. We begin with 5.0 because she got all the states in the news covered (TX, AR, LA), but subtract 1.0 for covering a bit too many (MI, FL). Therefore, 4.0 points.
WHEN: 3.5 out of 5 -- on or about October 23 - happened October 13. Article October 15.
This news is just outside of one week from the predicted date. Therefore, technically is 3 points, but we add .5 because of how close it is to the one week mark: 3.5 points.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
P1_05D A blue meteor/asteroid the size of a small tractor is seen from Florida to Texas as it crosses the sky on or about October 23. (Finite Statist Machine) (sherriann)
This is pulling a rabbit from a hat, but I got the words Walburn County. Well, there is no Walburn County but there are towns/cities called Walborn in Florida, Alabama and Texas. So, I'm going with that. Maybe I'll get location lucky.
There is a partial Lunar Eclipse on October 23.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5 - 4 - 3.5
- Absolutely phenomenal job catching the location, Sherriann. Very well done here all the way around!!
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Validated Precognition #8
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: New law creates political divide
Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (2014-10-02) (Headline P1_05A)
News Link (2014-10-27)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: T5 out of 5 -- 'Law creates divide' and 'armed conflict inevitable' ("It's not over yet")
ADMIN: When we grade individual dreams, we begin with the actual headline to see how well it matched the dream, but with predictive headlines, we work the opposite direction. How well does the predictive headline match the eventual real-life headline? The first part of the prediction has come true, but the second has not. However, because so many people are hypothesizing the second part (i.e., armed conflict), this definitely matches the definition of "Tickle." In other words, the real life headlines are now predicting what Sherriann predicted. The event has not actually come to pass, but her headline in a way came to pass. Therefore, all the criteria put together matches sufficiently to warrant a full 5.0 with a T in front to denote "Tickle Criteria."
WHERE: 3 out of 5 -- State is correct, 3 points.
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- Correct month.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
P1_05A A political decision, newly passed law or comment creates a political divide among the citizens that results in an armed confrontation. Possible location: Mexican Border or Nevada. Timing: October (No Intention) (rebeccaS) (blueDREAM) (sherriann)
Supporting Headlines
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: T5 - 3 - 3 (T denotes Tickle criteria, which means the headline came true because the headline is predicting the same prediction, but the event or part of the event hasn't yet happened).
- Well done, Sherriann!!
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Validated Precognition #9
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: School hayride (stage) accident
Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (2014-10-03)
News Link (2014-10-13)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 3.5 out of 5 -- P1_05E A stage collapses at a big school event and the entire audience is held while police investigate by questioning people in the school. Some of the audience manages to slip away. Timing: October
ADMIN: This dream-headline connection is almost all metaphoric. The hayride is metaphoric for stage, and the audience indeed slips away....down the hill.... "when the wagon careened down a hill in the Maine woods, struck a tree and overturned."
The scoring begins by taking all the metaphors and seeing how much of the headline was metaphorically predicted. Stage = Hayride (Subject) and Overturns = Collapsed (Verb), and School is literally correct. So with all this we start with 5 points and begin subtracting metaphoric penalties. First, 0.5 just for having a metaphor, and then subtract another 1.0 because the metaphors would certainly not be unanimously accepted. However, no more penalties because the metaphors themselves represent their counterparts directly. Thus, 3.5 points.
WHERE: 2 out of 5 -- Country correct.
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- October was predicted and correct.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 3.5 - 2 - 3
- Well done, Sherriann!!
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Validated Precognition #10
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: Russia simulating invasion drills
Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (2014-10-03) [/url]
News Links (November 1st, 13th, 14th, 2014 respectively)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 5 out of 5 -- Russia, US, military, flights (fly byes?), drill, near US shores, bombers (jets??), international law, practiced cruise missile strikes on the US (simulate a US invasion) are terms used in the news articles
WHERE: 3 out of 5 -- Both countries exactly correct. Note that a single country nets 2 points, but multiple countries being correct do allow for increasing the score commensurate with the prediction. Incidentally, this type of prediction could warrant a perfect location score if the forecasts includes specific locations for the airspace infringement.
WHEN: 2.5 out of 5 -- October was predicted and the news happens just 1 day outside the predicted month. Therefore, a full 3 is not technically allowed, so we increment up from 2.0 to make it 2.5
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5 - 3 - 2.5
- Well done, Sherriann!!
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11-19-2014, 10:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2014, 03:49 PM by Sherriann.
Edit Reason: Entered news link that was missing
Validated Precognition #11
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: Cruise ship off Florida Coast has major issues
Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (2014-10-03)
News Links (Nov 2, 2014, but the actual event happened on October 31, 2014)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 -- Prediction: "P1_05F A captain under the influence causes a Fiesta cruise ship to sway perilously somewhere near Florida causing the ship to become swamped with waves. This cancels out an 'underground' rock band's headline performance."
There were a few details here that never manifested, but the bigger picture is uncanny. The news itself said, "The ship hit an unknown object," and "The Celebration Cruise Line company said in a statement that passengers were evacuated from the ship and placed in several resorts pending their return to Florida," and “This trip has turned out to be an absolute disaster and it made us never want to go on a cruise ship again”
The essence of the news article was that a cruise ship hit an obstacle and caused a major ruckus. Although this wasn't specifically mentioned in the article, there is high likelihood that several band performances were canceled, as all the guests were evacuated from the ship. The cause of the cruise ship mishap was incorrect, except that there truly is a chance that the captain being under the influence could very well have been the real cause for the ship hitting the obstacle. Therefore, all these details that are merely speculation get fed into the metaphor category since they will probably never be accessible for verification. Thus, we begin with a full 5.0 and subtract the mandatory .5 metaphor penalty. Result: 4.5
WHERE: 3 out of 5 -- Off Florida coast, so state is correct.
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- Month was correct
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5 - 3 - 3
- Well done, Sherriann!!
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11-27-2014, 11:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2014, 11:50 AM by Eagle1.)
Validated Precognition #12 for sherriann
We verified this headline which predicted: Obama's Illness
Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (2014-10-27) (for private forums, the admin validates that the post was in fact made on that date.)
News Link (2014-11-13)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4 out of 5 -- Headline: On or about November 12, the news will report and/or Obama will announce that he is sick with something. Where? Washington, DC or maybe Hawaii.
The words Obama, mental illness (sick), White House (Washington, DC), medically recognized term sociopath (sick), news will report (Canadian Free Press)
Canada Free Press (CFP) is a proudly independent, 24/7 news site, updating constantly throughout the day. More than 100 writers and columnists file regularly to CFP from all corners of the globe. Eleven people on staff.
Admin note: Mental illness is (rightly or wrongly) officially described as medical diagnoses. When the mind is not well, it affects behavior and can lead to a medical diagnosis, typically in accordance with the DSM-5 diagnostic manual. So, yes, mental problems are definitely and officially considered sickness, disease, and illness. Also, the only problem with the predictive headline was that Obama didn't make the announcement; someone else did. Thus, 4 points.
WHERE: 5 out of 5 -- THE White House, USA.
WHEN: 5 out of 5 -- Manifested on November 13, 2014, within 24 hours of the target date.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
It all began one day when I noticed how old Obama looked in a picture compared to a couple of years ago. He's aged a LOT and seems to be even skinnier. On October 21, I saw this article: On October 22, I noticed 'during kissing speak wish dying' in the Bot run.
I went back through the Bot runs to see if I could find any lead-ins and this is what I found:
October 17 - scanning defies captain/royal Barry
October 18 - breaking precognition/recently hope link faces
October 19 - shelter Barry
October 20 - exhausted/uncle (Uncle Sam??)/sick punch
October 21 - blurry Barry garden
October 22 - wound wars fist exhausted/leg becoming/during kissing speak wish dying
Somewhere along the way I connected illness=ship/water. This would play into this dream that also mentions 'doctor', concern for two daughters, an authority figure handling the situation and perhaps Obama and family returning to Hawaii:-
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4 - 5 - 5
- Well done, Sherriann!! Phenomenal assimilation of all of those linguistics phrases....amazing!
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Validated Precognition #12b for sherriann
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: Obama's Illness on or about November 12
Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (2014-10-27) (verified by people with access) "On or about November 12, the news will report and/or Obama will announce that he is sick with something. Where? Washington, DC or maybe Hawaii."
News Link (2014-12-06)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 5 out of 5 -- The news didn't come from Obama but he was directly involved unlike the mental illness hit.
BETHESDA, Md. -- The White House doctor said that President Obama's sore throat is likely caused by acid reflux, after a CAT scan at a military hospital Saturday showed normal results.
Obama visited Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Saturday afternoon after an Army ear, nose and throat specialist conducted a fiber optic exam earlier in the day. That exam found inflammation, according to a statement from Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, the president's physician.
Jackson said Obama had been complaining of a sore throat for several weeks. The motorcade to the suburban Washington hospital was scheduled quickly"purely as a matter of convenience for the President's schedule" and not because of any urgency about his health, Jackson said. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the president had some free time Saturday.
"The president's symptoms are consistent with soft tissue inflammation related to acid reflux and will be treated accordingly," Jackson said in a statement.
Obama is a former smoker, but his most recent annual physical exam showed him to be in "excellent" health.
ADMIN: The prediction was a direct hit. Easily 5 out of 5 points.
WHERE: 4.5 out of 5 -- Washington, DC mentioned in the article although he didn't make his first doctor visit in Washington.
The motorcade to the suburban Washington hospital was scheduled quickly"purely as a matter of convenience for the President's schedule"
ADMIN: City being correct is normally 4 points, but in this case, White House is implied by the President's temporary home. But White House was only 1/2 the picture here, because he was supposedly sent to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, which is several miles away. Thus, we need something in between city and exact position. Thus, 4.5
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- Within a month of November 12.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
Refer back to Dream #12, Post # 11:
Metaphors or further clarification include:
It all began one day when I noticed how old Obama looked in a picture compared to a couple of years ago. He's aged a LOT and seems to be even skinnier. On October 21, I saw this article: On October 22, I noticed 'during kissing speak wish dying' in the Bot run.
I went back through the Bot runs to see if I could find any lead-ins and this is what I found:
October 17 - scanning defies captain/royal Barry
October 18 - breaking precognition/recently hope link faces
October 19 - shelter Barry
October 20 - exhausted/uncle (Uncle Sam??)/sick punch
October 21 - blurry Barry garden
October 22 - wound wars fist exhausted/leg becoming/during kissing speak wish dying
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5 - 4.5 - 3
- Amazing job, Sherriann!! How do you do this?
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Validated Precognition #13 for sherriann
We verified this precognitive headline which predicted: Low 2014 HolidaySeason/Black Friday retail numbers - US
Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (2014-10-26) (specifically: "2014 Holiday Season slumps across the US; markets bracing for low Black Friday retail numbers")
News Link (2014-11-30)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 5 out of 5 -- ...low HolidaySeason/Black Friday retail numbers....
The article reports that holiday sales crater by 11%; spending declines re: National Retail Federation Report.
WHERE: 4.5 out of 5 -- In order for the markets to be affected, the economic prediction needed a wide-sweeping location, and in this case was the US. Therefore, discriminating exact location on this particular headline was not only difficult, but actually counter productive to fulfilling the prediction itself. Therefore, the prediction inferred the country of the US, and that is exactly what the article was referring to. Therefore, 4.5 points (0.5 was taken off because the location was implied under the metaphoric scoring; in other words, inferences are treated like metaphors).
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- Reported November 30 2014, which is the correct month from the prediction.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
"crater' means 'to go down'
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5 - 4.5 - 3
- Well done, sherriann!!
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Validated Precognition #14 - #18 for sherriann
#14 -- Links for Documentation:
Prediction Link (Specifically, “ Headline: January 5, 2015 - A new film about Ebola in West Africa that was completed in December 2014 is released in the US”
News Link (2014-12-27)
And (2015-01-04)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 5 out of 5 – Two different films (one a documentary and another an iPhone video) both meet the criteria for fulfilling this headline. However, neither reaches technical perfection by itself. Thus, 4.5 points.
WHERE: 2.5 out of 5 – Two countries / locations are perfect in the prediction. Thus, we take the higher point value (2 for the country being correct), and add a half of a point for having the other location also correct.
WHEN: 5 out of 5 – Exactly correct.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4. 5 - 2.5 - 5
- Well done, sherriann!!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to
Predictions #15 - #18 Originated from the November Predictions (
#15: “Black Friday in-store food riots escalate amid increasing food prices”
Headline Link(s):
In the UK - November 29 - Black Friday mayhem: Police called to dozens of supermarkets as shoppers fight over bargains in hunt for Christmas deals
Black Friday in-store riots escalate amid increasing prices.
Supermarkets are combo food stores and hard goods sales. One of the pictures shows Snacks, Treats, Drinks signage.
Lots of riot words: battlefield, frantic, frenzy, war zone
What: 3 (Not enough descriptors to produce a full 5.)
Where: 0
When: 5 (Black Friday)
#16: “Terrorists caught scoping out water treatment plant near Key Largo” & “Water plant near Key Largo under terrorist watch”
Headline Link(s):
December 2 - Miami Area Nuclear Plant In Partial Shutdown After Steam Leak
taken offline Sunday (November 30) due to a steam leak
What: 4 (deduction for steam representing the water aspect to the prediction -- it was a nuclear plant and no terrorism)
Where: 3 (state of Florida)
When: 3 (November)
#17 “West Hills, Louisiana - Earth shift traps child on car roof” & “West Hills, Louisiana - Swimmer rescues child trapped on sinking car roof”
Headline Link:
New Jersey, November 23 - Officials: Mother, Child Rescued From Sinkhole In Liberty State Park
Officials: Mother, Child Rescued From Sinkhole In Liberty State Park
sinkholes caused by earth shifts, child trapped in sinkhole, child rescued
What: 4 (no car; no swimmer)
Where: 2 (US)
When: 3 (November 22)
#18 “War tension escalates as people note increased troop movement in US” & “Increase in military drills sparks nervousness in the US” & “Boots on the ground...US military participates in roadblocks, checkpoints, quarantine areas (most notable is Southern CA)”
boots on the ground, tension escalates; increased troop movement; military roadblocks, checkpoints, quarantine (off-limits) areas
Nixon Activates Missouri National Guard in Response to Potential ‘Period of Unrest’
New York
Gov. Cuomo deploys National Guard to deal with stunning WNY storm: Updated
What: 5
Where: 2 (US – So. Cal. not a factor)
When: 3 (November)
Awesome work, Sherriann!!
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05-02-2015, 10:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2015, 10:42 AM by Eagle1.)
Validated Precog #19 for Sherriann...
Sherriann's dream on Feb 10, 2015 was actually input into the new database to test the new system. That link should remain valid throughout the website transition, except for the fact that a recent Wordpress upgrade trashed the dream category, which means that no dream content is displayed, even though the information is still in the guts of the database. No telling how long it will take the developer to fix this monstrous problem, but the link will be here:
Dream: "Two men in black suits, white shirts and ties are riding in the back of a speeding white panel van on a road through a desert scene that has low mountains in the background. They are watching a large screen that shows a small patch of red and black that looks like a radar image of an explosion. Also on the screen were many fluffy contrail lines extending toward the radar image. At the top of each line was what looked like a rock. Something was incoming. They knew where it was going to land but they didn’t know from which coordinates it would arrive, which seemed to be a big problem. This was a confusing dream because, as an afterthought, one would think that something like a rock leaving a trail from earth to sky would be moving upward."
Resulting News:
This is from that doesn't have direct links to individual pieces. Search in the archives there for February 25, 2015.
CHINESE ROCKET RE-ENTRY (UPDATED): On Monday night, Feb. 23-24, sky watchers in the western half of North America witnessed a spectacular cluster of fireballs and meteors. We now know it was the re-entry and breakup of a Chinese rocket body, specifically stage 3 of the CZ-4B rocket that launched the Yaogan Weixing 26 satellite in Dec. 2014. Donny Mott photographed the glowing debris from Spirit Lake, Idaho.
So, there you have it - 'nova' reloading and on the horizon since January 24 and dropping out of the runs at NDC on February 22. They knew the Chinese space debris was on it's way down. The dream had multiple objects flying over a desert, which was deemed to be Arizona, and being tracked by radar/satellite. Image at
"In all, there were nearly 200 confirmed sightings of the rocket body’s incineration over nearly 2,000 miles, from as far south as Scottsdale, Arizona, to Didsbury, Alberta in the north..."
According to satellite tracking expert Ted Molczan, "there are confirmed sightingsfrom Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana, British Columbia, Alberta. The most southerly observation I have noted so far was from Scottsdale, Arizona; the most northerly from Didsbury, Alberta. That spans nearly 3000 km of the descent." Molczan has prepared a map of sightings along with the ground track of the decaying rocket body. The re-entering rocket body traveled from south to north. One of the first sightings was made by NASA's all-sky meteor camera at the MMT Observatory near Tucson, AZ. "We caught the object just as it was entering the atmosphere," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. A movie shows the rocket body, apparently still in one piece, moving slowly across the sky as it brightens to magnitude -4 (about the same as Venus). By the time the rocket body reached the US-Canadian border, it was in many pieces. Molczan says "the approximate toe of the debris footprint (should any have survived to impact Earth) would be well into Canada."
What? (4.0) Multiple somethings incoming like rocks with tails flying through the sky being watched on a screen (radar or satellite).
Where? (3.5) Desert was deemed to be Arizona. It was sighted in Arizona and 'they' were sited as far north as Canada after breakup.
When? (3) Dream on February 10. Occurrence reported on February 24.
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POST-Cognition for Sherriann (Event #20)
Sometimes, we predict something that already took place in the past without our knowledge. Although these situations can never truly be validated by a third party, they do hold significance and are worthy of including in a trophy case.
Prediction and manifestation can be found here:
Scores and reputation points: For post-cognition cases, no scores are assigned and no reputation points given because the sequence cannot be validated. Why are post-cognitions useful? It is rather simple: The bot and/or the collective dreams sometimes tell us when we missed something important. Although for most people a TV series about King Henry won't seem very appealing or important, there might just be something important in the video for us to see. Perhaps a key hint for the future or maybe we are collectively re-creating a historical catastrophe. For whatever reason, this movie series MIGHT be significantly more important than all of us originally imagined.
Therefore, well done, Sherriann!
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Validated Precognition # 21
Source Dreams:
Came True Headline:
Night of April 8/9, 2015
What is the most important thing we need to know about Jade Helm?
Dream: On a white background, someone who operates a very popular alternative news/opinion web site and talk show, wearing a light blue shirt, light grey pants and white sneakers [running shoes] is doing what looks like a happy dance, or maybe he is jumping around and pulling at his hair, in front of a soccer ball at his feet that has a date wrapped vine-like around it: May 22, 2015. I had the feeling that, for one reason or another, he was quite anxious/excited to give it a kick [make an announcement or some kind of move/change] and at the same time, frustrated that he can't... yet. The May 22, 2015 vine (grapevine/rumour mill) date was/is protective of the ball.
I can admit now that Dave Hodges was the subject of my dream. The NDC DFs can attest to that.
Regardless of what anyone thinks of Dave Hodges and the CommonSense Show, my focus is entirely on the predictive results of my dream.
The article header that has caught my eye two days later than what the dream indicated is NOT indicative of the content of his article posted on May 24 - Prominent Lt. General Tells Dave Hodges of the Coming Civil War. You have to read the full article for the true message.
TIMING: My guess is that the e-mail may have been written on May 22 and sent to Dave on May 23. Close enough.
Regarding my feelings at the time of the dream: I had the feeling that, for one reason or another, he was quite anxious/excited to give it a kick [make an announcement or some kind of move/change] and at the same time, frustrated that he can't... yet.
In his article, Dave mentions being torn between releasing the e-mail now or waiting where the last time he .... QUOTE: hesitated to publish my information for 10 days because I did not have outside collaboration for what I was being told. I almost lost my source as a result of my hesitation.
As time has gone by, there have been subtle mentions (rumours) of how military personnel may act/react in the face of commands to take action against American people. With Dave's article concerning the e-mail from a (retired/fired) Lt. Colonel indicating the results of a survey, the rumour/grapevine has taken on a very real life and has definitively opened the subject wide for purview. So, yes, with his announcement of the message, he has kicked a ball into the court, annihilating what was previously deemed to be a rumour.
What: (5 out of 5) Dave Hodges making an unexpected announcement....Anxious/excited/frustrated about an announcement exposing the grapevine.
Where: (4 out of 5) Metaphoric (the web) .... The only place Dave does his messaging - on the Web.
When: (4 out of 5) Guessed May 22nd, and the news came out a day after (May 23).
But, it doesn't end there and this piece may be even more telling of Dave's frustration about the need to hold back sometimes.
Last week, I unveiled the content of an email from a former Lt. General who had very grave concerns about Jade Helm. In a subsequent email, this same source expressed concern over series of possible nuclear detonations on American soil.
“My (and others) greatest fear is that rouge elements within the numerous federal agencies will unleash targeted nuclear detonations within several U.S. cities… But no one knows how many of the weapons are actually in play”.
I held on to this information, because at the time, I feared the information too volatile and lacked collaborative proof. However, within the context of developing events that have unfolded this week, I have been forced to reconsider my original position.
Score: 5-4-4. Excellent job, Sherriann!