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Dreams from the past that still reverberate with meaning...
Hi Chromalyn,
I have been reading "The Red Book" by Carl Jung (father of Jungian psychiatry). In the years before World War I, Jung had a series of terrifying visions and dreams about the coming world wars. When their details started to manifest in real life, he began to try to understand how and why this was happening to him. Jung's experience seems very much like your own.
Others (Clif High for example) think that large future events send bow-waves rippling into their past/our present, where people detect them and get some details about what is coming. So maybe you caught some bow-waves from 2001.

In my case, the tears were not from sadness, but more from being overwhelmed; My dream/vision happened after I checked into a hotel on the West Coast (US). I was traveling alone, and had an appointment to meet some out of town guests that night, and thought I would take a short nap beforehand.
As soon as I laid back on the bed, I was thrown into a 3-D, alternate reality or vision. I was on a mountaintop, flat and circular, with blue sky overhead. Light but no sun. There were two trees. The closer tree was a Japanese cherry tree in full flower of springtime, about 15 feet high. The far tree was an oak tree about 100 feet high with dark green leaves, and full of nearly ripe acorns from top to bottom, like they are in early Fall. I walked around, touched the trees, took a close look at the ground beneath. I could see my hands, open and shut my eyes just like being anywhere else. It was extremely surprising and rather frightening to be there. I asked questions aloud--there was no room-echo, just like being on top of a mountain. No answer either, but I had the impression that the message was in the trees themselves. Then it ended, and I was suddenly back in the hotel room.
I wrote it all down the next day, so maybe I will post it when the website is revamped...

(04-04-2015, 09:40 AM)chromalyn Wrote: Dear ablelba,
Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry for the sadness. In 1972, I was warned about an impending personal tragedy that had a powerful impact on my life. In my case, it was a great act of love and compassion to be told in advance what was coming. But I didn't figure that out until recently. I didn't even remember the dream for decades.

In 1991, I had a series of dreams that were connected. In this case, the embedded warning was not transpersonal. It felt like a warning to not speak, or else become a victim of a very large and intricate plot. But since immediate danger has passed, I'll tell you now.

The dreams were in late 1990, when the public was aware that we were heading into a war.

This dream came as part of three dreams in sequence, finishing off with a terrifying and very archetypal vision. In this dream, there were several very tall buildings in a square in Manhattan. There was one building in the center which suffered damage and leaned into the one to its left from my vantage point. I had a very powerful sense of threat from a governmental intelligence branch. The warning was internal, to not talk of this dream. It was a very quick dream. Not a lot of detail.  A few years later, as history now confirms, there was the truck bomb under the WTC.  Then a decade later, 911. I'm not sure which event I was being warned about. Perhaps they are connected. I suppose it's safe to mention now, being so long after the fact.

In the other two dreams, one warned about the loss of our constitution via a man in high power. The image was of the falling of the American flag, which had been held aloft over us like a protecting canopy. The supports which held it up were being taken down via legal but unethical manipulation. We now have  the Patriot Act or NDAA, and many other threats to our civil liberties, including now verified information that we are being being spied on in dragnet fashion by the certain agencies.

The most frightening dream showed scenes of devastation and horror like that of a war.  My consciousness connected with that of Saddam Hussein and I experienced that he was no longer human, that his agenda was connected to one of extraterrestrial origin. In the dream I attempted to awaken his humanity. I felt an existential threat here, as in, Hussein, or his ET entities, wished to bring an end to the human race on Earth.

Finally, a vision occurred while I was cooking, and my apartment was filling with smoke while I was paralyzed by the vision. I saw a huge bestial creature with wings, as in biblical tales of Armageddon. It unfolded it's wings and thousands upon thousands of smaller demons flew out. This coincided with the beginning of the war.


I understand a little of what you are experiencing, having been part of multiple rollouts of different, data-driven web technologies. Many fires to douse. I am sure I speak for the others to say our thoughts are with you and your team, as you tackle these challenges.

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RE: Dreams from the past that still reverberate with meaning... - by ablelba - 04-04-2015, 11:59 AM

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