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Barry Retreating...Suspect embarrassing + night in new york -- DreamBot 10/05/14
Now this next bit is really fun....wheeeee......because it's also tied to the previous post I do believe...well, ready now? we go....

tongue nights york spiritual murders worst giant chose forgotten daily.  Now I don't know about the rest of you but this speaking tongues
business isn't very helpful. Lets put some meat on the bones. This is the way it's supposed to have read. Rolleyes

"tongues in the nights caused york spiritual murders and lead to ghost motions by worst giants who chose what is forgotten dailydaily."

I predict this gibberish is related to the system of fronting boys for sex clubs through religious, political, and corporate organizations. Organized pedophile rings disguised as legitimate powers discussing potentially embarrassing ghost motions which could lead to finger pointing at minions of PTB. That's what I'm reading.  Got it?'s boy trouble...and not in a good way.

See people, what we have is a shortage of personnel going on. It's been going on ever since gays began breaking out of the closet. You can't get a gay man or woman fired just because they are a homosexual, nor do we send them to prison any longer, or treat them as mentally ill. In other words, these harmless people have always been tools by corrupt societies. In fact it's a hallmark of a corruption. That is if a harmless person is criminalized or cast as socially undesirable, then you can be positive you're living inside of a corrupted political system. 100% positive without any doubt.

Forbidden social morays are keys which can control entire societies through exploitation. This is why the military is full of crap about keeping gays in the closet. They seem to have forgotten that Baron von Steuben was a big time homo who literally wrote the book for the American Army. So being an open homosexual wasn't a problem for Washington or anyone else in the 18th Century, so why is it a problem today?

I'm hammering on this because it's important to understand that it's a created forbidden social behavior. That is to say, it's an artificial creation to claim any harmless person is socially undesirable.  That can only happen when the mouth pieces of a society are themselves corrupted and on a mission to make people useful tools by typecasting others as undesirable, almost always by spreading lies about them, and typically by abusing their own positions of social status to function as loud speakers. So, casting harmless people as social outcasts is quite unlike calling pedophiles or murderers as socially undesirable. It's an important point if you want to understand and see the people who are corrupted. Only a corrupted person will ever use their social or political standing to typecast harmless people as enemies of the rest of society.

OK...just wanted to make sure no one took my remarks as hurtful or injurious. It's important we all understand what's going on and how it goes on.
Forbidden practices are social morays and these are always keys to control through black mail. These so-called social undesirables are always defined by the rulers of any society. When harmless people are typecast as socially undesirable then you can be positive your leadership is corrupt and dangerous. That is an an axiom of social order.

Now that I've made that clear, move on to understanding that this secret child abduction rape club is part of the necessity of having people in positions of power whom you can absolutely control, and those are pedophiles and people who you could lock up because of the crimes you know they have been involved in.

Understand? Questions?  This is our world. This is the control paradigm. It's the same one used by organized crime the world over. Only the names have been changed, and not to protect the innocent. Face this and know your real world.

From October 18th 2012.

York case on Boy Scouts' abuse list. *Extracts Below.
A York County Boy Scout leader was among the 1,932 people listed on a previously confidential record of Scouts who sexually abused or were accused of sexually abusing children. Included in the Boy Scouts so-called "perversion files" from 1971-1991, the York man was asked to resign after being accused of molesting a couple of boys during a camping trip in 1983, according to the document. The "perversion files" from 1965 to 1985 are expected to include 20,000 pages of documents.

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ebola truth RE: Barry Retreating... - by joanie - 10-06-2014, 07:35 AM
RE: Barry Retreating...Suspect embarrassing + night in new york -- DreamBot 10/05/14 - by Balsa - 10-07-2014, 05:45 AM

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