i tried to link into the NDC form for dreams come true on two sites-
ABOUT drop down on DREAMBASE (old one) and DREAMBLOG. I got an error message
Page not found on both sites.
I know the NDC is in transition. this is to be expected. No sweat- labor pains right?
I haven't gone into my dreams (old site) in a while. I actually forgot about most of them until
Chris reminded me of Atlas Shrugged. While browsing through I realized a few had actually materialed or are
in fact doing that now for 2015.
So, when there is a mission to incubate say for an entire year, how does one put that into perspective for timelines and variables on the weight scale of 0-5? An entire year is obviously not right away- 5.0! However, if it materializes months later but within a year, is it still a 5.0? Does that matter? Really............
Food for thought.
My question Chris, or Admin- where to document a potential dream come true?
What forum thread?
Should we have one like we do for JUST DREAMS?
Or am I missing something with the lousy dial up- forever to get into a page, link, article, tab etc?
For now I will post any potential in a thread to transfer over to whatever the ADMIN decides, just so that I don't lose it.
Is that okay with everyone?
okay- I deleted the posts not the thread as it is creating a sh..t storm of discussion here- I think it is healthy to discuss as it has some salient points come to light as the forum and site grow and evolve. Personally I like option #2 Eagle1. Something to consider after your return.
Sheriann you also bring up a good point about dreams matching bot runs...it doesn't fit into the original format of Dreams Come True
is that concept evolving? Chris enlightened us on that.
Perhaps that is or should be yet another category.
My itch and inkling is that Chris may come back with those golden nuggets or answers
from the conference.
Its a new world we are exploring and pioneering.
Carl Jung would be proud.
ABOUT drop down on DREAMBASE (old one) and DREAMBLOG. I got an error message
Page not found on both sites.
I know the NDC is in transition. this is to be expected. No sweat- labor pains right?
I haven't gone into my dreams (old site) in a while. I actually forgot about most of them until
Chris reminded me of Atlas Shrugged. While browsing through I realized a few had actually materialed or are
in fact doing that now for 2015.
So, when there is a mission to incubate say for an entire year, how does one put that into perspective for timelines and variables on the weight scale of 0-5? An entire year is obviously not right away- 5.0! However, if it materializes months later but within a year, is it still a 5.0? Does that matter? Really............
Food for thought.
My question Chris, or Admin- where to document a potential dream come true?
What forum thread?
Should we have one like we do for JUST DREAMS?
Or am I missing something with the lousy dial up- forever to get into a page, link, article, tab etc?
For now I will post any potential in a thread to transfer over to whatever the ADMIN decides, just so that I don't lose it.
Is that okay with everyone?
okay- I deleted the posts not the thread as it is creating a sh..t storm of discussion here- I think it is healthy to discuss as it has some salient points come to light as the forum and site grow and evolve. Personally I like option #2 Eagle1. Something to consider after your return.
Sheriann you also bring up a good point about dreams matching bot runs...it doesn't fit into the original format of Dreams Come True
is that concept evolving? Chris enlightened us on that.
Perhaps that is or should be yet another category.
My itch and inkling is that Chris may come back with those golden nuggets or answers
from the conference.
Its a new world we are exploring and pioneering.
Carl Jung would be proud.