07-26-2010, 01:09 PM
This is a reoccurring dream i've had over the past 7 years. In my dream, I am with 100's of other people waiting to watch an outdoor movie on the side of a building here in Atlanta. In the distance, my son and I (who was 7 at the time) see a huge UFO- almost identical to one from Independence Day come out of the clouds, and then make an almost crash landing. Everyone just stood and stared, but I grabbed my son and took off. We were going toward the parking deck, but I decided to go into the woods and hide. I was hearing odd gunfire and screaming. I told my son no matter what he saw, to keep his mouth shut. We head noise coming down the parkind deck entrance, and then saw what appeared to be storm troopers/swat type military wearing black and searching for people. It came to my mind that these military people had been in this UFO- and apparently had been pretending to be aliens- the dream get's bad at this point, as my son decides to run off and away. Not a good ending.