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Aliens chasing us
So at first I was in a building of some kind. I think some of my kids were with me. Pretty sure my eldest was there. Seem like a school atmosphere, very modern looking. Not at all like his real early 1900's school. These two latin or hispanic women were there. A mother an older aged daughter. The daughter was a total snob and was saying all these horrible conseted rude things. I have no memory of what they were. I just smiled and shock my head and said Karma s a real B. She looked at me totally clueless to what Karma was. We left the building and the woman was still talking rudely and they got in a black car. While on the sidewalk I was looking up into a clouded sky were a very tiny portion was glowing orange and flickerig. I wanted to ask the woman to look and see but after her horrid behavior I thought beter not to. After a bit as I walked down the street I saw a big gray shadow in the sky. By now the woman were gone and replaced by some construction workers building a house along the sidewalk I was walking down. I pointed it out to them and one of the men came to see. The LARGE object kept fading in and out behind trees and cluds. It was very hazy fr the longest time. But just as it was about to move to far out of view it became 100% visible. We were all floored. Even I at this point was having my doubts because it was really so hazy and heard to define. Then the object came down to the street a couple blocks away. When it landed it turned into a car. We freaked out and ran inside the house they were building. For some reason we believed the thing was coming for us. I hid in a basement window dig out and put a blanket over my head. Then I awoke. I was pretty scared...which isn't really like me.. I wasn't even thinking about my not like me....I was a total not like me. I didn't like that feeling baout myself.

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