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Meteor shower, asteroids, and zombies
Since becoming pregnant my dreams have become increasingly vivid, a common symptom of many pregnant women. But my dream the night before last has plagued my thoughts for two days now and I have an overwhelming urge to share it with others.
My dream started off with me and my fiance staring into a midnight blue sky. It may have been dusk but for some reason it felt more like an eclipse was occurring, eventhough I did not notice the sun or moon in the sky. All we saw were different colored lights in the sky that we assumed were a meteor shower. Instead of the lights streaking across the sky they would form patterns like spirals in the sky before their light would go out. We stood there for a while in awe, without any fear, watching the lights for some time. Eventually the light show ended and the sky turned a light pale blue. I decided to take my five year old for a car ride for some reason and left my fiance behind. As I arrived at an intersection I noticed the roads up ahead has lined with cars. By the time I realized this it was too late to turn back around. So I stopped my car at the intersection and looked around. There were thousands of people in the street looking up into the sky. I glance up and noticed what appeared to be asteroids flying past the earth. They were about 5 times the size of the moon and were so close I could see the craters. The odd thing was that they all appeared to be the same (shape/size/color). This is the part of my dream that keeps running through my head. In my dream these asteroids did not hit the earth, nor did they seem to cause any type of calamity, yet it haunts my thoughts throughout the day. I find it strange that the asteroids bother me the most because the rest of my dream turns strange and scary after that.
While watching the asteroids whizz by our planet, I notice something a few hundred yards away. It was a zombie, but not a mindlessly slow zombie. He appeared to be intelligent and quite lively. He was throwing a bit of a temper tamtrum, trying to get people to notice him. I remember he yelled out "What is wrong with you people? It's a zombie apocolypse!" He then began to attack people around him and the crowd went into panic mode. Everyone began running down the street to hide from the zombie apocolypse.
My dream begins to get foggy from here. I remember hiding in a building but I soon woke up after that. I think I woke up because I began to question the rationality of my dream. I did not have my sone with me while I was hiding from the zombies and had no idea where he was at. Trying to rationalize durring my dream must have caused me to wake up.
Like I mentioned before, it is the image of the asteroids that is stuck in my mind. I can't seem to get the image out of my head. I find it interesting that the day after having this dream I saw something on the internet about a trojan asteroid 2010TK7 circling in earth's orbit. While researching this asteroid I also found claims of some planet hiding behind the sun, although at this time this claim is not very factual. I'm wondering if my dream has anything to do with either of these claims?

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