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Planes and Cars in Patty Fields
This was a very long dream, but I only remember a tiny fraction of it.

I remember being on a plane but having no idea where I was going. There was a man on the plane who was a complete jerk. He acted as if he were better than everyone else and spoke in a very hateful way to anyone he didn't like up until the plane started to shake and take a nose dive. The guy then started crying like a baby and begging for someone to help him... for whatever reason, I lot of people took this as a last minute opportunity to take his picture while laughing at what a baby he was being. I didn't know the guy, or cared to know him, I was more worried about us crashing! Luckily, the pilot managed to pull us up at the last minute and we survived.

We had landed somewhere close to a school, and I had to go to this school for some reason. I saw what looked like very small, rectangular rice patty fields leading up to the school. There were a couple of white air planes sticking out of them. The front ends of the planes were completely buried, leaving just the tail sticking out. Looking around, I saw some vehicles had crashed in the small fields too. I think one was a dark blue mini van... I wondered how so many vehicles had crashed in those patty fields... it couldn't be an easy thing to do. Maybe there was some sort of super magnet in there or something... also, I felt like a lot of people must have died here and was quick to find someone that I could ask about what happened.

When I found someone, I asked why the planes and vehicles hadn't been removed from the fields, and the person replied that they had become some sort of memorial. I asked about the people who had died there and was told that they were part of the memorial. I got very upset and asked that wouldn't they consider a grave for each of the people who passed away a better memorial? And the person replied "no".

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