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Distraught Student Attempts Suicide at School
I was a teacher or a parent at an upscale school (high school or perhaps college). One of the male students was in the hospital or medical office and was very ill or perhaps dead. At the school, wrapped gifts for either an exchange or party of sorts had been previously prepared. One of the gifts (dress slacks and belt or watch) was for the ill/dead male student. When I suddenly realized who the gift was from, I was alarmed about the mental/physical state of the gift giver, as he was very close to the ill/dead student, and went looking for him. When I found him he was extremely distraught, had a knife in hands, and had cut his wrists, seemingly trying to commit suicide. He was walking around other students at the time, perhaps in a hallway or gym. He was not threatening anyone else, although all the students were upset. While I tried to calm him down, he said or I thought "Carter Worth". In the background a cheerful song was playing, not one I recognized.

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