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Deflating Bouncy House Christmas
In this dream, it was Christmas time. My Christmases have been pretty cruddy the last several years because I don't really get to spend it with my family, but I make it a huge deal by throwing a giant party every year for my husband's family and our boys. I count pennies every year to put together activities for all the kids who come over and a Thanksgiving-like feast for everyone... after all, we are celebrating the birth of Christ, so I give my very best on this day, and my second best on Easter Sunday.

In the dream, my husband was forcing me to go to the mall. He wanted me to buy things for myself for a change. He's done this before to only have me come back with Christmas gifts for him, so in the dream, he had already made arrangements for me to enjoy different activities. He had brought some of my homemade medicines and canned foods with him in a bag and had planned to barter for my gifts. I thought it was so that I wouldn't feel guilty about having money spent on me.

As we walked around in the mall, I started to get a bad feeling. When you go into the mall, people are usually running around window shopping or talking to one another oblivious as to what is going on outside of their conversation... but in the dream, people were eyeing one another and there was a heavy tension in the air. It made me a bit uncomfortable, but I tried my best to ignore it. My husband had me look at jewelry and shoes, but in all honesty, I am not a jewelry or shoe girl. What I really wanted was some new software. I had studied animation and programing before I became a mother with the intent on building clean, educational games for children... but for some reason, that seemed impossible now. Computers were worthless and in the dream, what I really wanted was seeds. Lots and lots of seeds.

We went from store to store looking for seeds, but I doubted very much that a mall would have them. I wasn't upset though, to be honest, it was nice to have my husband to myself for a change and have him try so hard to make me happy. It was cute.

After running around for some time, I noticed lots of people flooding into the mall. They did not look happy. They were glaring at one another and staring hard at each other as if they were sizing one another up. Then chaos broke out as the people who looked less fortunate started to attack those who looked as if they were well off.

There were only a couple of attacks at first. I had gotten scared by this and told my husband we needed to leave ASAP. But he looked at his watch and said that he didn't want to leave just yet, he had made arrangements for me to do something fun.

We walked into some sort of room and were attacked from behind by a man who looked (and smelled) as if he were homeless, but I got the feeling he was not. Something had happened and he was down on his luck and felt like he needed to steal Christmas presents. He mistook our bag of medicines and food for presents, but once he learned what was in there, it was as if it had become even more valuable, and he wrestled my husband to the ground over it. I felt sorry for him, and asked him if he would stop if I gave him some medicine and a jar of preserves, but that was not good enough for him... he wanted it all. He was starting to hurt my husband now, so I grabbed some sort of wooden stick that was on the ground and got after him.

I felt horrible that I had to do what I did... but he left me very little choice. He was only knocked out, so I left a jar of medicine by is head (which I'm sure was now aching) and watched as my husband dusted himself off. He still did not want to go home, so I followed him through another door.

We walked outside through a heavy-duty back door. There was a HUGE adult bouncy house shaped like a ship... and it was even roughly the size of a ship! I wondered for a second why he would go through so much trouble to have me play in a bouncy house of all things... but, I mean, BOUNCY HOUSE! I could probably count the times I have ever been in a bouncy house on one hand, also, I wasn't going to waste this gift my husband had worked so hard on. He seemed awfully proud of having rented it for me, so I put on my biggest smile and climbed in bouncing my way to the top. Once at the top, I smiled and waved at him every time I bounced high enough to see over the edge of the ship. It's not everyday a husband gives his wife the feeling of being a kid again. This was a precious gift!

Unfortunately, I didn't get to enjoy this feeling for very long. A crowd of people came in from my right and started cutting the ship which caused it to deflate. It would have been unwise for me to go through the ship while it was deflating, so I had no choice but to stand at the top and avoid the pieces that were trying to fall over on top of me. I did not want to be smothered to death by tons of plastic.

Once I was low enough to the ground, I jumped ship and met my husband and we then ran inside together.

Things were now even worse inside the mall. It was like a war in there. People fighting people for Christmas presents, food, and miscellaneous things. It ruined Christmas because it defiled everything it was meant to represent. I felt like if people talked to one another and asked for help, they would get it... but the kicker was that the attackers were in a panic for some reason. They would not calm down and see reason, I knew this because I tried to talk to a few, but nothing I said seemed to matter.

I was very upset that I could not help the situation... and it didn't take long for my husband and I to be noticed and attacked. We ran room to room looking for an escape, but had a very hard time finding a way out of the mall for some reason. Eventually, we were separated and I was cornered by a very aggressive woman in one room. She tried to attack me over and over again, refusing to listen to reason. After a while, others joined her and had me pinned to a wall while they raided my pockets and stole some of my clothes. But, as luck would have it, they were caught off guard as the room started to deflate over them. As the room deflated, the ceiling caved in, knocking metal beams and lights from overhead down on us. I was able to escape, but the aggressive woman had managed to dodge everything and came after me.

I met up with my husband again outside of the room. The entire mall was deflating... and some of the crashing lights had set fire to it, so it was also burning all around us. The smoke was very chemically and was burning our eyes and noses. It was all we could do to get out of there alive... but we had somehow managed to hang onto our bag of goods.

Once outside, we could breathe, but the woman still chased after me. Now she was even threatening to kill me. As I ran, some cops caught her. They were rounding up people by the hundreds - all of the less fortunate that had been attacking people in the mall. And while the people certainly had it coming to them, I was not angry at them at all. Even as that vile woman screamed profanities at me while the cops dragged her away, I felt sorry for her. I imagined that she had children and was hungry. I thought of them not having food or clothes, let alone Christmas presents, and I wanted to cry... but she had done the wrong thing by attacking us. I would have happily shared what I could with her had she asked.

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