07-30-2014, 03:30 PM
In this dream, I"m bitten 3 times by a red colored (non-poisonous) snake. First, the snake bit me on my right hand near one of the knuckles. In the dream it swelled up and spewed puss from the two fang marks. The second bite I had was on my left elbow. The third bite was on one of my feet. There was a lot of pain from the bites, but I knew they wouldn"t be fatal. In the dream, the snake lunged at me quickly and bit me two times in rapid succession. The third bite came a little later as I was checking the first two wounds.
For some reason I had a cardboard cut-out of a red snake and I suspected that the snake thought I was hurting the cardboard snake and it was defending it. In the dream, I referred to it as a red corn snake.
When the swelling got large, I decided to go to the hospital. There was an element where I used the cardboard cut-out to lure the snake out from under a bed and I captured it. I started to rub its head as if it was a pet dog.
For some reason I had a cardboard cut-out of a red snake and I suspected that the snake thought I was hurting the cardboard snake and it was defending it. In the dream, I referred to it as a red corn snake.
When the swelling got large, I decided to go to the hospital. There was an element where I used the cardboard cut-out to lure the snake out from under a bed and I captured it. I started to rub its head as if it was a pet dog.