09-05-2014, 06:05 PM
i have had two two dreams this week, first one was a small nuclear bomb here in las vegas not on the strip but close enough. the whole dream was me trying to get home with my cargo. i cant say what it is,but its something we would all need in a shtf situation. i drive a truck locally. ok i chalked this one up to way too many articles of vegas being a target maybe. but the second dream about three days later kind of freaked me out it was of a emp or something like it and the aftermath of me going home. not too worrysome really in that no light situation, semi was still running and i know backroads. both of these dreams happens in the near future, before cool weather sets in. the only reason i wrote these here was i dont usually have this type of dreams (only one or two others that i can remember in the last few years) and i wanted a record of it. so we will see.