04-13-2018, 07:26 AM
The past couple of days have been hearing the crows caw caw caw really close. I know that means a forewarning about someone passing on. This morning on the way to work I'm doing my usual morning prayers. After prayer time, I'm about a 1/2 mile from work and think, I hope those crows are not there waiting for me, because I don't want to hear them this morning. When I turn into the parking lot at work I see a crow sitting in a tree next to the driveway. It is big and looking straight at me and yes, it lets out a loud caw caw caw. It was sitting on the lowest branch which is at eye level with me. I stopped for a few seconds thinking, well dang now I have to pray for someone and I have no idea who, what or where. This is the most difficult to pray for.