05-24-2023, 06:23 AM
It started as a monkey meandering type of dream, nothing unusual. Me and a lot of other people in a urban environment, some high rise buildings. We seemed to be in a academic setting in a large building. At some point there seemed to be a lot social tension or anxiety. I'm not sure why. We seemed to be either in Norway or central California. All of the people that I could see were Caucasian At some point we were looking out a window and we could see nuclear warheads going off. There were three, maybe four warheads. We could see the mushroom clouds and flame within the mushroom clouds. I remember thinking that we were looking towards Los Angeles. At that point we were basically trapped and had to shelter in place. The dream ended after that, and I woke up.
I'm not sure if this a pre cognitive dream or a anxiety dream.
I'm not sure if this a pre cognitive dream or a anxiety dream.